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送交者: 求真知 2019年09月10日23:57:37 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

How This Service Horse Made History on an Airplane

Offbeat  12:14 PM PDT, September 9, 2019- Inside Edition 

A horse is believed to have made aviation history, and Inside Edition was there for the moment.

Abrea  Hensley, 33, suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder, which she  says is due to childhood trauma. Because she is allergic to dogs, her  service animal is a horse she named Flirty. Together, they boarded a  plane in Nebraska.

It's  believed that Flirty's voyage is the first time in U.S. aviation  history that a miniature horse flew a commercial airplane. 

“I definitely have to say a big thank you to FAA,” she told Inside Edition. “It is official.”


Just like human travelers, there was a last-minute bathroom run for Flirty so she wouldn't go on the plane. 

At  the airport in Omaha, passengers couldn't believe what they were  seeing. Nearly everyone on board the plane and in the waiting areas  pulled out their phones in astonishment.


“We'll make it as easy as possible, same rules flying with a service dog,” a TSA agent told Hensley. 

It was a tight fit for the horse, Hensley and Inside Edition’s producer as they flew from Omaha to Chicago.


Flirty  remained calm for takeoff, and to help with the pressure, the horse  even chewed on pretzels similar to how humans chew gum. 

The 1 1/2-hour flight had some minor turbulence, but Flirty handled it like an experienced traveler.

“She did really well. She was very quiet the whole flight,” Hensley said.


Hensley made her way through O’Hare International Airport, and some folks were pleasantly surprised.

However,  one woman was not happy to see the horse in the airport. “It’s too big.  What if it goes a little crazy? Starts kicking people. I don't think  it’s a good idea,” the woman told Inside Edition. 

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