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黄洁夫 谣言止于智者
送交者: 云开雾散 2019年12月08日20:50:05 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话


  Huang Jiefu (Chairman of China human organdonation and Transplantation Committee and President of China organ transplantation Development Foundation):"On Nov14, British Medical Association published an article wrote by an Israel so-called "scollar", on BMC Ethics. The article violates basic scientific common sense and is full of loopholes,causing widespread doubt from China and the international organ transplantation community. I have to tell the author, As a heart organ transplant doctor, he should spend more time treating people with heart disease, don't say things that even yourself don't believe. There is an idioms in China said that, you can never wake up a person who pretends to sleep. He may talk about equations today, and tomorrow he will tell you another astronomical figure. We don’t care these ridiculous rumors. The rumor always stop at wise men."
  A small group of anti-Chinese forces acts of defiling China will never win the people’s trust. China's transplantation has been on the road of legalization, since the promulgation of regulation on organ transplantation in 2007. China implements strict qualification management for hospitals and doctors engaged in organ transplantation. Currently, 173 hospitals have obtained transplant qualifications. China actively carries out international academic exchanges in the field of organ transplantation and prohibits"transplant tourism". China have cracked down on the crimimals in the violation of laws and regulations in the field of transplantation, punished the institutions and personnel involved in the case, and impose maximum level administrative penalties. From 2017, the police department launched a special campaign to crack down several cases of organ trafficking. Relevant departments punished related medical personnel in accordance with laws and regulations. The Chinese government is doing the right things. Facts are always facts. We will continue to promote the development of organ donation and transplantation in China, making it a reference of global model.

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