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Trees and grasses
送交者: jingchen 2019年12月16日22:51:03 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

Trees and grasses 

Once upon a time, many trees grow on the great plain. They are tall and slender. Most of the time, the trees look up into the sky. They want to grow taller and taller. The sky is the only limit. Occasionally, they would look down, and look at the grasses nearby.

The grasses are soft and tiny. Horses trample on them. Cows shit on them. Sheep bite them. Trees feel very sorry for the grasses. They want to protect the fellow plants from being savaged by the animals. They try hard to spread their seeds to grow new trees. Over time, trees advanced. Horses, cows and sheep retreated. Trees are glad they drive away the animals. Trees are glad they protect the vulnerable grasses.

When the trees look down, they find the grasses are gone. As the trees advance, their foliage blocks sunshine. Grasses fade away. At least grasses are no more bullied by the animals, congratulated the trees to themselves.

Many years later, there is a climate change. The land becomes drier. Forest fire become more often. Many trees burn into ashes. Grasses quickly spread out on the burned ground. With grasses come horses, cows and sheep. The animals trample on the seedlings of the trees. The trees couldn’t regrow very well. Grasses might be called ecological refugees migrating away from their homeland. But they take over the previous forest land all the same. 

Now only sporadic trees are left. They are mostly surrounded by grasses. The grasses seem not to complain too much that horses trample on them, cows shit on them and sheep bite them. This makes trees very sad. The remaining trees decide to dedicate the rest of their life to educate the grasses about universal plant rights. They have the right not to be trampled, not to be shitted on, and not to be bitten.

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