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送交者: 艺萌 2014年04月07日16:18:26 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话

朋友转来:科技發達成功富裕奢華享受世界的另一面。每5個鐘頭 (perhaps even less) 一位同胞在國內會受化學污染,大部分是由"苯" Benzene 而來.多麼可怕! Anything we can do? To save lives, I am eagerly willing to pay a dollar or more for the device! " Ever Heard Of Benzene Poisoning? Me Neither. But Samsung And Apple Have. Brandon Weber Follow Our culture is consumed with various devices that somehow magically appear in neat little boxes at the store or at our front door. But guess what? Those devices come at a human cost. Here's just one aspect of that. FACT CHECK TIME: 1. Ever year in China, over 12 million teens leave home to find work. CNN reports 17 million, though their story focuses on farms, not factories. 2. They're part of 260 million Chinese who must travel far from home just to make a living, CNN reports, citing the China Labour Bulletin. 3. This Fast Company article has a first-person account of days being 8 a.m. to about 9 p.m., not including travel. Global Labour Rights reports long hours and seven-days-a-week work for factory workers. China Labor Watch reports working 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. with one day off a month when production is heavy. 4. Benzene causes leukemia. Benzene is a category 1 carcinogen banned in most Western countries for industrial use. 5. The BBC and The Guardian report on n-hexane poisoning. 6. In China, over 200 million people are working in hazardous environments. 7. And much of the factory/benzene stuff is supported in this Guardian article. About: This clip is made by "Who Pays the Price?" which is about to be a full-blown documentary. Much more about the campaigns to get benzene and n-hexane out are in an article from Wireless Design and Development." Are we blinded by the addictive delights of our technological age?”
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