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送交者: 藤儿 2014年06月13日21:10:54 于 [天下论坛] 发送悄悄话



下文之中的Dr. Robert Pilorge就是这样一位“危险的”男「OBGYN」。由于对他的漂亮女患者的观感偏离了职业道德的界限,于是就有了如此表现:

Dr. Robert Pilorge 在将他的患者去掉下装,并将她的双腿成U形分开,固定在妇科检查床上之后,会不由自主地用手掐她的光溜溜的大腿,同时告诉她说她有双“美腿”(nice gams)。接下来,Dr. Robert Pilorge还告诉她:“如果我是你的老公,我会每周做你两次。”

到此,Dr. Robert Pilorge的双腿分开着的病人真的担心他会有进一步的动作。你想想,一个漂亮女人光着下身,双腿叉开躺在一个男「OBGYN」的面前,那场面真是糟糕极了!



来源:TORONTO SUN 2014-06-12

'Dangerous' OBGYN faces suspension in Quebec

By Heloise Archambault, QMI Agency

First posted:Thursday, June 12, 2014 01:20 PM EDT


Dr. Robert Pilorgé, who practices at the Hospital St. Mary's, faces a charge of sexual misconduct for telling a patient she was "fine hams" and have him pinched thighs, in 2013. CHANTAL POIRIER/QMI Agency

MONTREAL — Quebec's College of Physicians is trying to suspend a "dangerous" gynecologist who it says propositioned patients for sex, failed to properly treat others and might have contributed to the death of a newborn.

The college alleges Dr. Robert Pilorge, from St. Mary's Hospital in Montreal, should not be allowed to practice medicine until his disciplinary hearing.

"This is a dangerous doctor," Jacques Prevost, lawyer for the college, told a tribunal this week.

The college accuses Pilorge of sexual misconduct for allegedly pinching a patient's thighs last year and telling her she had "nice gams."

The doctor is also accused of telling the woman that if he were her husband, "he would do her twice a week."

The unidentified woman told the tribunal she feared being assaulted.

"I even asked myself if he could go further than that," she said.

The college's lawyer said Pilorge took advantage of women who were physically restrained.

"The woman had both her feet in the stirrups; it's terrible," Prevost said.

The 40-year veteran doctor is also accused of negligence or lack of oversight of five other patients' files.

The college says he neglected to refer a pregnant patient who had gestational diabetes.

The woman's baby was declared dead the same day, the tribunal heard.

His own colleagues filed complaints against him.

Pilorge contests the charges but has refused to appear before the disciplinary board.

He was previously suspended in 2009 for asking a patient if she "wanted to be touched."

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