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I often lamented about
送交者: labri 2019月11月21日13:04:05 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: come on,xiahong 于 2019-11-21 10:16:53

The Christians in TW and HK. They simply did nto get it: they are theoretically stupid.

The presberian church in TW deviated from its Reformed stance and pay too much stress on political issues. They contributed a lot to the political fiasco in TW while they should be the clear stream.  Even for TW independence, a good polical system in TW will suffice their dream by distincting TW from mainland politicall and benefit the cultural circle of greater China.

HKers are only smart in money. They are stupid in very aspects except for money.

    You should stop being - labri 11/21/19 (66)
      呵呵。我不自以为义。  /无内容 - xiahong 11/21/19 (67)
        Boasting is 自以为义  /无内容 - labri 11/21/19 (67)
          Did I?每次对话我都是以被骂而结束的哟 - xiahong 11/21/19 (69)
            We just love you, brother!  /无内容 - labri 11/21/19 (56)
            你本来该打,所以被骂说明别人仁慈  /无内容 - YeSuShiZhu 11/21/19 (57)
    They have a meeting recently - labri 11/21/19 (61)
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