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What kind of MENTALITY????????
送交者: YeSuShiZhu 2020月03月02日08:46:50 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 你得這麼問樓下--你所在的華人教會有沒有嬰孩洗禮?ardmore 於 2020-02-29 06:00:41

Right now you have the luxury to eat anything you wish, 

it is a FACT, 

not only you,but most of people in USA and in China,


in 60-70, in China, each Chairman Mao could not do so,

it is a FACT, 

what ordinary people can do? how to survive??????

simply, do what you can! eat what available!!!

insead to die!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Bible is not Chairman Yehovah's selective work!

Any practice in church should have a historic reason!

Any christian should belong to a local church to worship God and have fellowship with brothers and sisters, no christian should REFUSE to join a local church where 

his or her prefered rules or rituals were not followed,

in short,

any thing is be better than nothing! even meeting with Quakers and salvation army 

they give up baptism to all (infants, children and adults) is better than not having

meeting with any christians, even listening to a radio is better than doing nothing... 

If there is 

ideal church, we go there, if not we go to anunacceptable one, 

if not, we go to a not-bad one, if not, we go to a better-than-nothing one.



  還有這麼不要臉的呀?好歹曾經的天蓬元帥啊 /無內容 - xiahong 03/02/20 (99)
    read the following verses - YeSuShiZhu 03/02/20 (102)
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