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得救 is 得救, no matter what!
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月14日10:07:32 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 你用一大堆感叹号问号没用。你自己把宝训和因信称义理顺了再说罗七 于 2009-05-14 09:43:29
the whole being 得救, the whole being became better and better
because of Holy Spirit's effective work inside,
the whole being eventually be glorified like the LORD.

oh, you have the authority to make 骂了弟兄不认错的弟兄
go through FIRE feuling with sulfur?

得救 means REDEEMED, a done deal, finished, nobody
can challenge your RIGHTEOUSNESS!

Deeds reflect whether one is 得救, although deeds have no contribution for 得救.

One story,
a thief was saved by grace through faith,
the same day,
he stole again, and go to brother 罗七 to ask whether he is really saved,
罗七 answered, no problem, but you MUST go through a FIRE and not able
to go into the kingdom of God, on his way back with sad mood, he ran into
brother Paul, he brought up the same question, but Paul told him, 罗七
was kidding with you, and don't worry instead to give yourself a little time
to follow Holy Spirit's guidance, SEE, you FEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEL
different when you steal, what a miracle it is, praise Lord, before long
you will became a person as noble as brother 罗七!
  咱就经文论经文,可以吗? - 罗七 05/14/09 (610)
    你指的是天主教的炼狱? - 思齐 05/14/09 (516)
      我对天主教的炼狱一无所知,只是读经的结果 - 罗七 05/14/09 (493)
        我的理解也没定型,几样可能都简单地思考过 - 思齐 05/14/09 (506)
          炼狱会不会是系统性地发挥? - 罗七 05/14/09 (401)
            看过林道亮牧师写的 《征召得胜者》吗? - 柯思炫 05/14/09 (815)
              按福音书是这样的。  /无内容 - 罗七 05/14/09 (225)
            灵魂体是圣经的原文 - Yuehanmiao 05/14/09 (349)
              总是有所区分的,对不对? - 罗七 05/14/09 (303)
          你应该舍生取义,不要明哲保身嘛。  /无内容 - 挂名信徒 05/14/09 (519)
            是时间的问题,无法及时跟踪讨论  /无内容 - 思齐 05/14/09 (405)
              这个我有同感  /无内容 - 天婴 05/14/09 (295)
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