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天主教的 99% 一樣
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月14日14:15:43 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 我也有神父,天主教的朋友;在這個世界上,beiqian 於 2009-05-14 13:48:23
1% man-made part needs God to straighten up, although 天主教 has been demonizing
by protestants for too many years, (the challenge for Abraham-related religions
such as, Judaism, Muslin, Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, protestant is THE SAME,
that is, believers love the WORLD too much, slowly but surely, they will lose their territory to the love-here-love-there world)

佛學屆的信仰 99% 不同, 1% common-grace part needs us to treasure
otherwise we have no common-ground to talk with them.
  I don't have muchcommon ground - j9 05/14/09 (249)
    a few years ago, Ilisten to - Yuehanmiao 05/15/09 (201)
  老苗,同意你的1%man-made說,嘻嘻 /無內容 - 天嬰 05/14/09 (237)
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