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a few years ago, Ilisten to
送交者: Yuehanmiao 2009月05月15日06:08:41 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話
回  答: I don't have muchcommon groundj9 於 2009-05-14 17:51:24
Muddy ratio on my way home, a brother
from Iran (of course, he was a Muslin )
were talking about common ground,
I even summarized in Chinese here.

Westerners complain muslin world concerning
female education and equal opportunity,
muslins wouldn't listen even most of women,
why? because speakers are not qualified to talk to them!
they ask one question to mute most of active westerner,
such as, yes, we understand female needs to have
appropriate education and we can only do our best
according to our understanding, but most importantly,
female needs to be educated to know undressing
in front men is a SHAME big SHAME and to have sex activities
with any one other than her husband deserves nothing but stoning,
how do you think?

see, the common ground is MOSES LAW,
to obey law cannot make one saved,
to rebel law lost dignity to talk with those who obeying.

in short, in order to liberate muslin female,
ambitious persons MUST cover up!
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