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送交者: beiqian 2014年12月24日17:05:44 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
    How has Christmas pervaded Chinese culture?

Let’s count the ways --- For Chinese Christians, its about Christ; for many others, it a secular holiday all about family and friends

The Christmas spirit is awesome,” Candy Kung says. She gets to “hang out and bond” with her family, share presents and enjoy lights sparkling on Christmas trees.

    For Kung, the holiday is purely secular fun and excitement for her and her friend, Lauren Ma. She didn’t know Christmas has its roots in Christianity.

    The two 18-year-olds are drinking ice-milk tea in the Chinese-themed Aberdeen Centre mall in Richmond, where O Come All Ye Faithful rings out from the sound system.

The secular enthusiasm that Kung and Ma feel for Santa Claus and seasonal shopping illustrates one of the several ways that Christmas is marked by Canada’s 1.4 million ethnic Chinese residents, including the about 400,000 in Metro Vancouver.

    Christmas appears in several guises in East Asia. Christmas Day, for instance, is a statutory holiday in Hong Kong and Singapore. Giant decorated Christmas tree dominate many public plazas, including in Taiwan. Sometimes the displays include manger scenes.

While Christianity is harshly restricted in Mainland China, the state-sanctioned and state-monitored churches still end up packed at Christmas. And secular Santa Clauses, Christmas Day shopping and large meals have become a big deal in the sprawling cities of the Communist nation.

Justin Tse, who has a PhD in cultural geography from the University of B.C., says Christmas and its colorful trappings — from lighthearted reindeer displays to solemn church services — are now embedded in Chinese culture in both Canada and East Asia.

Providing just one contemporary example, Tse noted Hong Kong pro-democracy demonstrators were harassed this week by police for singing Christmas carols. The protesters had adapted the carols’ Christian lyrics to their human rights ideals.

It’s fair to say the Christmas beliefs and customs followed by the world’s roughly 1.5 billion ethnic Chinese range all over the cultural map. But there are three basic forms.


One form is secular/consumer excitement. A second is cultural suspicion or perhaps indifference, with Christmas seen as an insidious sign of “soft” Western colonialism. A third manifestation for many Chinese people centres on Christian devotion.


Here is a look at how these three approaches play out among Chinese people in Metro Vancouver and around the world.


AReveling in secular Christmas陶醉于世俗的圣诞


BFear of cultural invasion 对文化侵略的恐惧


CEmphasizing Christ 强调基督


By Douglas Todd, Vancouver Sun columnistDecember 22, 2014


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