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送交者: YeSuShiZhu 2016年07月15日05:48:51 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话


(sorry, so far I can only copy/paste so much chinese characters)

as such, there are a few obvious question showed up in front of us.

  1. 人来到独一真神面前 how to do so and who leads you to do so? of course GOD himself! Visibly God's servants help the man, invisibly God the Holy Spirit changed his heart.

  2. 认罪 why so? because one saw an absolute 100% perfect standard set by GOD! what the man did must lead him to a horrible consequence! he regreted and repented! 

  3. 求赦 one saw there is a WAY to be forgiven to Whom, the final JUDGE, how to know this good news? God told him so and he believed what he heard.

  4. 决志回转 right now this man uses God's standard to weigh what he did and to decide what he is going to do

  5. 决志跟随 do what his redeemer told him to do

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