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Zwemer on Calvinsim and Islam
送交者: labri 2017年08月14日12:17:56 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

We all know 博德恩, the American missonary to China for Lanzhou and died pre-matured in Cairo. 


The man heavily influenced him was Prof. Samuel Marinus Zwemer 


at Princeton Theological Seminary, known for his understanding of Calvinism and Islam:

Zwemer’s theology, following the Calvinism of his parents,[24] was that he saw the supremacy of God in all things.[25] The Bible was programatic in his faith and his thinking of his ministry, and emanated in his vocabulary.[26] He studied Islamic Doctrine of God, initially drawing stark contrasts with the God of the Bible, then nuancing his view over time.[27] He praised the all encompassing idea of God in Islam, seeing it as the ‘Calvinism of the Orient,’[28] and even placed the Bismillah on his study wall in Cairo[29] and on the cover of his journal "The Moslem World". He saw Islam’s grasp of Monotheism as its great strength[30] and yet also its great deficiency.[31] For him, without an understanding of the Trinity,[32] God was unknowable and impersonal.[33] Hence, he cherished the doctrines of the Incarnation and the Atonement, writing major works on the topics: The Glory of the Manger[34] and, his favourite,[35]The Glory of the Cross.[36] Though a stumbling block for Muslims, he saw them as crucial in evangelism.[37] Zwemer’s God was glorious and all-encompassing: ‘never be satisfied with compromise or concessions’, demanding instead ‘unconditional surrender’.[38]

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