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送交者: 古道 2017年11月11日06:08:38 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话


这节经文很容易被人误解,其根本原因是对“天国”(the kingdom)本身的意思不明白,中文读者很自然把“自己”作为“天国是努力进入的”这个句子的主语,但这个句子的主语就是“天国”,意思是“天国”——神在人的内心掌权,这个过程是非常violent的,也就是老古常说的“硬拽”!!!人的free-will是要将人带进地狱的,而神重生人在罪人内心中掌权的过程是非常强力甚至是粗暴的,不讲道理的“硬拽”。而人一旦蒙恩得救被神重生了以后,他们又非常努力地得着天国,尽心、尽意、尽力做主的工作。这种人有时也很粗暴,比如老古就被瞎哄说成有点“匪气”,时不时不由分说就揍他们PP;在看老苗,居然敢跟狮母对话,在真道上大有胆量;再看灵哥,跟谁都敢传福音、、、

12. From the days of John the Baptist until now the kingdom is pressing forward vigorously, and vigorous men are eagerly taking possession of it.

Truly the work of John the Baptist had not been in vain. He had pointed away from himself toward Jesus, and the crowds had followed Jesus (John 3:26). Was it not an act of kindness and magnanimity on the part of the Lord to give credit to John for what he had formerly done, and especially to extol him thus at this very time when the Baptist had given expression to his uncertainty regarding Jesus? It is true that Christ's drawing power was not dependent on John, not in the least. Nevertheless, in the providence of God and in fulfilment of prophecy John's preaching had contributed toward the result of paving the way for Christ.

The kingdom, says Jesus, ever since the days of John's first appearance upon the scene has been pressing forward vigorously, forcefully. It is doing so now, as is clear from the fact that sick are being healed, lepers cleansed, the dead raised, sinners converted to everlasting life, all this now as never before. Still, by no means everybody is entering. Many, very many, even now are refusing and resisting. But vigorous or forceful men, people who dare to break away from faulty human tradition and to return to the Word in all its purity, no matter what be the cost to themselves, such individuals are eagerly taking possession of the kingdom; that is, in their hearts and lives that kingship or reign of God and of Christ is being established.

What Jesus here emphasizes is that one cannot sleep his way into the kingdom. On the contrary, entrance into the kingdom requires earnest endeavor, untiring energy, utmost exertion. See also Luke 13:24; 16:16; John 16:33; Acts 14:22. This is true because Satan is mighty, has a large army of helpers, the demons, has learned to use crafty methods (see N.T.C. on Eph. 6:11), and receives aid and support from his fifth column established in man's very heart (1 John 2:16). Therefore it takes vigorous men, men who are eager to fight and to conquer, to overcome Satan and thus to take possession of the kingdom, of all the blessings of salvation. The kingdom, then, is not for weaklings, waverers, or compromisers. It is not for Balaam (2 Peter 2:15), the rich young ruler (Matt. 19:22), Pilate (John 19:12, 13), and Demas (2 Tim. 4:10). It is not won by means of deferred prayers, unfulfilled promises, broken resolutions, and hesitant testimonies. It is for strong and sturdy men like Joseph (Gen. 39:9), Nathan (2 Sam. 12:7), Elijah (1 Kings 18:21), Daniel and his three friends (Dan. 1:8; 3:16-18), Mordecai (Esther 3:4), the Peter of Acts 4:20, Stephen (Acts 6:8; 7:51), and Paul (Phil. 3:13, 14). And here let us not forget such valiant women as Ruth (Ruth 1:16-18), Deborah (Judg. 4:9), Esther (Esther 4:16), and Lydia (Acts 16:15, 40).

Baker New Testament Commentary - Baker New Testament Commentary – Exposition of the Gospel According to Matthew.

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