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ZT Prayer
送交者: strangers 2018年01月10日12:25:39 於 [彩虹之約] 發送悄悄話

The last paragraph of his reply to “How does the Pope pray?"

… Prayer is a search for God, but it is also a revelation of God. Through prayer God reveals Himself as Creator and Father, as Redeemer and Savior, as the Spirit who “searches everything, even the depths of God”, and above all “the secrets of human hearts”. Through prayer God reveals Himself above all as Mercy – that is, Love that goes out to those who are suffering, Love that sustains, uplifts, and invites us to trust. The victory of good in the world is united organically with this truth. A person who prays professes such a truth and in a certain sense makes God who is merciful Love, present in the world.

Excerpt from “Crossing the Threshold of Hope” by Blessed JP II

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會有宗教類書籍出The Spirit of Liturgy by now Fr Benedict; Crossing the Threshold of Hope。The late is the only book i have that is by Blessed JP II. it is a light book, a collection of his written answers to a cancelled TV interview questions. Part of his answers to questions of prayer are ZT above.

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