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ZT:RC Sproul对彼后2:1,20-22的解经
送交者: 从上而生 2019年04月04日06:29:30 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话


denying the Master who bought them. Peter is not saying Christians can lose their salvation (John 10:28, 29; Rom. 8:28–30) but is describing the false teachers in terms of their own profession of faith (vv. 20, 21). By teaching and practicing immorality, they despise the lordship of Christ and prove their profession to be false (1 John 2:3, 4, 19). They deny the one whom they have falsely claimed to serve as His precious possession.

Though some take the phrase “the Master who bought them” to mean that Christ’s substitutionary death applies to all rather than to the elect only (see theological note “Definite Atonement” on p. 1875), Peter’s concern here is to highlight the responsibility of the false teachers rather than to advance a theory of the atonement. It was the false teachers’ claim that Christ “bought them,” but such a claim is valid only for true believers. With their claim to be redeemed by Christ, their “sensuality” (v. 2) brings particular dishonor on Christ and His sacrifice for sin. It provides a false testimony to the world that lawlessness is the fruit of salvation.[1]




2:20–22 The false teachers are probably in view, not those who “are barely escaping” (v. 18). These false teachers apparently professed to be Christians, but their return to their old sinful way of life showed that their knowledge of Christ and the way of righteousness was only superficial (v. 1 note), and their “escape” from “the defilements of the world” was only temporary. Thus, they demonstrated that they had never been genuine believers.

2:21 better … never to have known the way of righteousness. Deliberate rejection of the truth increases one’s responsibility before God and incurs a greater punishment than if one has less understanding and goes astray (Luke 12:47, 48). The phrase “to have known the way” refers to an intellectual knowledge of the ethical teachings and mode of life characteristic of Christians (note the phrase “holy commandment”). Perhaps the nature of their knowledge and faith are analogous to that of the demons who “believe and shudder你信神只有一位,你信的不错。鬼魔也信,却是战惊。” (James 2:19). This verse indicates that the conversion of the false teachers was illusory (貌似真实的、虚幻的、虚无缥缈的). Scripture elsewhere teaches that those who are truly regenerate will persevere in the faith (John 10:26–30; cf. 1 John 2:19).

2:22 The dog … the sow. Ancient Jews despised dogs (Ex. 22:31; Prov. 26:11; Rev. 22:15) and swine were avoided as unclean (Lev. 11:7; Is. 65:4). Peter’s point is that mere religious profession or even outward change does not change a person’s heart. The apostasy of the false teachers has revealed their true unbelieving nature.[2]


[1] Sproul, R. C. (Ed.). (2015). The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015 Edition) (p. 2258). Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust.

[2] Sproul, R. C. (Ed.). (2015). The Reformation Study Bible: English Standard Version (2015 Edition) (p. 2259). Orlando, FL: Reformation Trust.

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