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Good news: Almighty God sent
送交者: YeSuShiZhu 2020年05月22日11:45:32 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Good news: 

Almighty God sent His only begotten Son on earth to redeem

sinners who deserve nothing but the everlasting fire.

Q: All sinners?

A: No! only those who believe in Jesus Christ!

Q: how possible sinner could believe in Jesus Christ?

A: to man it is impossible but to God nothing is impossible!

it is also very expensive for God to make it possible!

as such, 

God pre-destined John, Ruth, Mary, James ... before the creation,

God sent His only begotten Son to redeem all who was predestined,

God sent His Holy Spirit to make each individual born-again so as

to see s/he is a sinner and Jesus is the Savior and bow in front of her/his

personal Saviour and eternal Master to repent and to worship .

... ...

The following cases are never happening:

  1. man came to see Jesus

  2. man was rejected by Jesus

    Your understanding concerning - YeSuShiZhu 05/22/20 (113)
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