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Noah’s ark and global warming
送交者: jingchen 2020年06月27日08:48:41 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

Noah’s ark and global warming


Noah lived in a time of global warming. Warming generates huge melting of ice. Warming generates huge amount of rain. Warming generates huge floods.


Some people then thought that was the end of the world. It might be the end for them. Flood did devour some low land. But the warming energizes the globe and gives so much new life on the earth. Civilizations flourished with the global warming.


Today’s warming is no difference. Fossil fuels, the fossilized life locked underground, are released to the surface to power the world. Carbon dioxide, the final product of fossil fuel, is recycled back into the atmosphere to feed the growth of plants. Warming energizes the globe. Carbon dioxide, the green house gas, greens the earth.


Some people think this is the end of the world. It might be the end for them. Flood could devour some low land.  But carrying capacity of the earth increases tremendously with the increase of the carbon dioxide, the foundation of all life. The warming energizes the globe and gives so much new life on the earth.



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