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送交者: theson 2009年02月07日09:30:12 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
  请我们先祷告 主,这些年来一直向你的恢复说话,为着你的启示和行动我们感谢你!我们赞美你给我们看见你的经纶,以基督为中心和普及,我们所有的是何等一位基督!   诗歌:464♫   我若认识复活大能, 必爱十架的模型;   惟死能使生命长成, 若不死了,就不生。   不死就不生, 不死就不生,   惟死能使生命长成, 不死就不生。   今日经节及注解 林前六1~16 重点经节 林前1:9   林前1:23   林前2:2 神是信实的,你们乃是为祂所召,进入了祂儿子我们主耶稣基督的交通。 我们却是传扬钉十字架的基督,对犹太人为绊脚石,对外邦人为愚拙; 因为我曾定了主意,在你们中间不知道别的,只知道耶稣基督,并这位钉十字架的。   生命供应 我的负担是要大家了解主的恢复真正是什么。神在祂恢复里的心意,是要恢复基督作一切,恢复基督作神经纶惟一的中心,并恢复基督作我们的一切,作我们的分供我们享受。 我们在主恢复里的人,需要来看我们享受基督的光景。你每天享受基督有多少?哥林多前书所启示基督的二十方面,你全享受了么?我盼望圣徒们越过越能宣告:"主耶稣,我享受你,我在你里面非常喜乐。主,你是我的一切;你是神的能力和智慧,你是我的公义、圣别、救赎,你更是我的荣耀,使我得着荣耀。主,你是神的深奥;我祷告你,求你带我更深的享受你自己作这些深奥的事。" 人生满了难处与纠缠,活着就是要遭遇难处和麻烦。不仅婚姻生活、家庭生活是这样,连召会生活也不例外。按人的办法,协商是解决问题或脱开纠缠的方法。夫妻之间可能尝试这样解决难处。但这不是神的路。神的路乃是把基督供应你,并且借着十字架了结你。每当家庭生活或召会生活有难处时,天然的人立刻就想协商,以谈判解决难处。因着主的怜悯,我能见证,每当我面临这试诱时,我里面深处就感觉不需要谈判或协商。我惟一的需要乃是到十字架那里被了结,然后基督就带着供应来解决每一个难处。这是神解决召会生活中一切难处的路。 我们该专注于基督,祂是我们惟一的爱好与选择。不仅如此,我们需要对十字架有正确的领会,知道十字架的目的是要了结我们一切的所是。我们需要接受这个十字架,并享受基督;这是召会中所有难处的惟一解答。(哥林多前书生命读经,四一、五三、五六至五七页。)   问答: 1、 什么是召会一切难处的解答?(参读 林前一17注3。) 2、 我们如何经历这位基督?(参读林前一9注3。) 3、 什么是我们所传扬的?(参读 林前一23注1。)   明天:与主联合的,便是与主成为一灵 The Solution to All Problems in the Church   Let's Pray: Lord, we thank You for Your word. We praise You that You have shown us Your economy, with Christ as the centrality and the universality. Oh, what a Christ we have!   Hymn:631   If I'd know Christ's risen power, I must ever love the Cross; Life from death alone arise; There's no gain except by loss. If no death, no life, If no death, no life; Life from death alone arises; If no death, no life.   Today's Verses and Footnotes: 1 Cor 6:1-16 Key Verses: 1 Cor 1:9   1 Cor 1:23a   1 Cor 2:2   God is faithful, through whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord. But we preach Christ crucified, to Jews a stumbling block, and to Gentiles foolishness, For I did not determine to know anything among you except Jesus Christ, and this One crucified.   Life Supply: I am burdened that we all understand what the Lord's recovery really is. God's intention in His recovery is to recover Christ as everything. It is to recover Christ as the unique center of God's economy and as everything to us as our portion for our enjoyment. We in the Lord's recovery need to consider our situation with respect to the enjoyment of Christ. How much do you enjoy Christ daily? Do you enjoy Him in all the nineteen aspects revealed in 1 Corinthians? I hope that more and more the saints will be able to declare, "Lord Jesus, I enjoy You and I am very happy in You. Lord, You are everything to me. You are God's power and wisdom. You are my righteousness, sanctification, redemption, and even glory for my glorification. Lord, you are the depths of God. I pray that You will bring me further into the enjoyment of Yourself as these depths." Human life is filled with problems and entanglements. Simply to be alive is to encounter problems and troubles. This is true not only in the married life and family life, but also in the church life. According to the human way, negotiation is the means of solving problems or resolving entanglements. A brother and his wife may attempt to solve problems in this way. However, this is not the divine way. God's way is to supply you with Christ and terminate you by the cross. Whenever there is a problem in the family life or in the church life, the natural man may immediately try to negotiate and solve the problem through conversation. By the Lord's mercy I can testify that whenever I face this temptation, deep within I have the sense that there is no need for me to talk or negotiate. My only need is to go to the cross and be terminated. Then Christ comes in with the supply to solve every problem. This is God's way to solve all the problems in the church life. We should pay our full attention to Christ. He is our unique preference and choice. Furthermore, we need to have a proper understanding concerning the cross, realizing that the purpose of the cross is to terminate whatever we are. We need to take this cross and enjoy Christ. This is the unique solution to all problems in the church. (Life-Study of 1 Corinthians, pp. 35, 45, 47-48)   Questions: 1. What is the unique solution to all problems in the church? (See 1 Cor 1:17 note 3) 2. How do we experience this very Christ? (See 1 Cor 1:9 note 2, paragraph 2) 3. What should we preach? (See 1 Cor 1:23 note 1)   Tomorrow: But He Who Is Joined to the Lord Is One Spirit
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