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送交者: theson 2009年02月09日08:37:37 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
  请我们先祷告 阿利路亚! 主啊,你是这样一位灵,你如今就在我们灵里。为着这二灵,就是神圣的灵与人的灵,调和成为一灵,我们感谢你,敬拜你!   诗歌:371♫   今日经节及注解 林前七25~八13 重点经节: 林前7:40 然而,按我的意见,她若守节更是有福;但我想我也有神的灵了。   填空(请用鼠标左键选择空白处) 使徒在林前七章十节说,"我吩咐他们,其实不是我吩咐,乃是(主)吩咐。"在十二节说,"我…说,不是主说。"在二十五节说,"我没有主的(命令),但我…题出我的(意见)。"在四十节又说,"按我的意见,…但我想我也有神的(灵)了。"这些话都指明新约(话成肉体)的原则(就是神与人,人与神成为(一))。这与旧约申言(为神说话)的原则完全不同。在新约里,主与祂的(使徒)成为一,他们也与祂成为一,因此他们一同(说话)。(参林前七40注2) 明天:在救恩之外另加上的赏赐 God and Man, Man and God, Become One ¡¡ Let's Pray: Hallelujah! You are such a Spirit, and You are now in our spirit. We thank You and worship You for these two spirits, the divine Spirit and the human spirit mingled together as one spirit. ¡¡ Hymn:493 ¡¡ Today's Verses and Footnotes: 1 Cor 7:25-8:13 Key Verse: 1 Cor 7:40 But she is more blessed if she so remains, according to my opinion; but I think that I also have the Spirit of God. ¡¡ Filling the Blanks (Please double-click the blanks) In 1 Cor. 7:10 the apostle said, "I charge, not I but the (Lord)." In v. 12 he said, "I say, I, not the Lord." In v. 25 he said, "I have no (commandment) of the Lord, but I give my (opinion)." In v. 40 he says, "... according to my opinion; but I think that I also have the (Spirit) of God." All these words indicate the New Testament principle of incarnation (that is, that God and man, man and God, become (One). This differs drastically from the principle of Old Testament prophecy (that is, that man speaks for God). But in the New Testament the Lord becomes one with His (apostles), and they become one with Him; thus, the two (speak) together. (See 1 Cor 7:40 note 2) Tomorrow: A Reward in Addition to Salvation
  中华道统: 天人合一论。 嘿黑。  /无内容 - 克己复礼 02/10/09 (182)
    6章17节 注2 - theson 02/09/09 (204)
  合和本的林前7:40 - a_Peter 02/09/09 (316)
    弟兄: 我想保罗弟兄与主成为一了  /无内容 - theson 02/09/09 (289)
      谢谢DX回复,不过好象只有主耶稣说过 - a_Peter 02/09/09 (260)
        主最后的要求 - theson 02/09/09 (291)
          那是指着基督身体的合一 - a_Peter 02/10/09 (183)
          看弱小的弟兄姐妹为自己就是与主合而为一。 - 笨函数 02/10/09 (307)
            看弱小的弟兄姐妹为自己就是与主合而为一。 - 笨函数 02/10/09 (243)
            看弱小的弟兄姐妹为自己就是与主合而为一。 - 笨函数 02/10/09 (219)
  二灵调和成为一灵? - 烂石头 02/09/09 (184)
  这是混淆神与人的区别,贬低神,抬高人  /无内容 - 真实话语 02/09/09 (239)
    连个义人都没有,怎么能与神为一,笑话!  /无内容 - 真实话语 02/09/09 (223)
  关于守童身 - theson 02/09/09 (248)
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