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ZT Worthy Is The Lamb 神羔羊配得
送交者: 莫名羊 2009年03月23日21:55:55 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
Worthy Is The Lamb 神羔羊配得
Thank You for the cross Lord 感谢你的十字架 Thank You for the price You paid 感谢你付上代价 Bearing all my sin and shame 担当我罪和羞愧 In love You came 使我完全 And gave amazing grace 赐下奇妙恩典 Thank You for this love Lord 感谢你无比大爱 Thank You for the nail-pierced hands 感谢你钉痕双手 Wash me in Your cleansing flow 宝血洗净我污秽 Now all I know Your forgiveness and embrace 使我了解 你完全包容赦免 * Worthy is the Lamb 神羔羊配得 Seated on the throne 坐在宝座上 We crown You now With many crowns 头带著尊贵冠冕 You reign victorious 你做王到永远 High and lifted up Jesus Son of God 来尊崇赞美 耶稣神儿子 The darling of Heaven crucified 从天降下被钉十架 Worthy is the Lamb Worthy is the Lamb 神羔羊配得
  For us He suffered, what a - Tongxin 03/23/09 (269)
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