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送交者: theson 2009年05月16日07:31:20 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
  请我们先祷告 主主,使我们看见清楚的异象,并且得着清楚的路来实行你的异象。主,给我们路,给我们智慧,如何对待你新约的异象!   诗歌:11♫   你向我们所赐之福, 都是新而不旧;     约是新约、路是新路, 都要永远存留。     哦父,你是常新的神, 永远不知陈旧!     千万亿载仍是鲜新! 尽管年日悠久。   今日经节及注解: 来十26~39 重点经节 来8:6   来8:10     但如今耶稣已经得着更超特的职任,正如祂也是更美之约的中保;这约是凭更美的应许立定为法的。 主又说,因为这是那些日子以后,我要与以色列家所立的约:我要将我的律法赐在他们心思里,并且将这些律法写在他们心上;我要作他们的神,他们要作我的子民。   生命供应 基督是更美之约的中保。(来八6。)新约比旧约更美,正如一个真实的人比他的照片更美一样。旧约就像一张照片,只有外面的样子;但是新约就像真实的人,里面有生命和一切生命的实际。旧约是无生命的,但新约是由那不能毁坏的生命所构成的。新约的每一件事物,都比旧约的事物更美,因为新约的事物都是实际。因此,新约乃是更美之约。 新约已经顶替旧约。(八7,13。)当一个真实的人来了,他就顶替了他的照片,因为实体顶替了照片,影儿。旧约是有瑕疵的,而且渐渐陈旧并衰老,快要消逝;但新约已经成立,以顶替旧约。现今任何人若还停留在旧约,那是毫无意义的。 在新约里,最主要的福分就是神圣生命的分赐,使我们得到内里的生命之律;使我们得着神作我们的神,我们作祂子民的福分;也使我们得着内里认识主的能力。 神要成就这些事,就必须宽恕我们的不义,忘记我们的罪。祂宽恕我们的不义,并赦免我们的罪,就使祂有立场把祂自己的生命分赐到我们里面。十二节开头的“因为”,证明了这一点。祂把生命赐给我们,“因为”祂宽恕了我们的不义,并忘记了我们的罪。神永远定旨的原初目的,是要把祂的生命分赐到人里面,但罪进来打岔了这个目的。神为了要达成祂原初的目的,就藉着基督为我们的罪成就了平息,而赦免我们的罪,使祂能将神圣的生命分赐到我们里面,以完成祂的定旨。这神圣的生命带来生命之律,带来我们与神在生命里的关系,并且带来内里认识主的能力。 在新约里,生命及其丰富都已赐下,罪及其邪恶都已除去。这就是新约的内容,赞美主!(希伯来书生命读经,四九四到四九五,四九九至五○○页。)   问答: 1、 请说明更美之约的四项福分?(参读 来八10~12,12注1。) 2、 什么是生命之律?(参读 来八10注5。) 3、 请说明基督之血洁净我们良心的功效?(参读 来九14注3。)   明天:信就是所望之事的质实 好站推荐:富勒声明 http://www.mswe1.com/prayerLog/item_detail/i05_fuller.pdf 本周恢复本圣经追求小组(RSG)预告 时间: 地点: 联系人: 联系电话: The Better Covenant   Let's Pray: Lord, grant us to see a clear vision and have a clear way to carry out Your vision. Give us the way, Lord. Give us the wisdom how to handle the vision of Your New Testament.   Hymn:16   Each blessing Thou hast given us Thy newness doth contain; Thy covenant, Thy ways are new, And ever thus remain. O Father, Thou art unchanging, Thou never hast grown old; Thru countless ages, ever fresh, Thy newness doth unfold.   Today's Verses and Footnotes: Heb. 10:26-39 Key Verse: Heb. 8:6     But now He has obtained a more excellent ministry inasmuch as He is also the Mediator of a better covenant, which has been enacted upon better promises. Heb. 8:10     For this is the covenant which I will covenant with the house of Israel after those days, says the Lord: I will impart My laws into their mind, and on their hearts I will inscribe them; and I will be God to them, and they will be a people to Me.   Life Supply: Christ is the Mediator of a better covenant (8:6). The new covenant is better than the old covenant, just as the reality of a person is better than his photograph. The old covenant, like a photograph, had only the outward form, but the new covenant, like the real person, has the inward life with all its reality. The old covenant was lifeless, but the new covenant is constituted with the indestructible life. Everything in the new covenant is much better than the things in the old covenant because everything in the new covenant is the reality. Hence, it is a better covenant. The new covenant has replaced the old covenant (8:7, 13). When a real person comes, he replaces his photograph, for the reality replaces the picture, the shadow. The old covenant had fault and became old, decrepit, and near to disappearing, and the new covenant has been consummated to replace it. Now it is meaningless for anyone to still remain in the old covenant. In the new covenant the primary blessing is the imparting of the divine life which brings in the inner law of life, the blessing of having God and of being His people, and the inward ability of knowing the Lord. For God to do this, He had to be propitious to our unrighteousnesses and forget our sins. The propitiation for our unrighteousnesses and the forgiveness of our sins give Him the ground to impart His life into us. The little word “for” in verse 12 proves this. He imparts life to us, “for” He is propitious to our unrighteousnesses and forgets our sins. God’s original intention for His eternal purpose was to impart His life into man, but sin came in to frustrate this. In order to carry out His original intention, God made propitiation through Christ for our sins and granted us the forgiveness of sins so that He might impart the divine life into us for the fulfillment of His purpose. This divine life brings in the law of life, our relationship with God in life, and the inward ability of knowing the Lord. In the new covenant, life with its riches has been brought in and sin with its sinfulness has been put away. This is the content of the new covenant. Praise the Lord! (Life-Study of Hebrews, pp. 409-410,414)   Questions: 1. Please explain the four blessings in the better covenant. (See Heb. 8:10-12, and 12 note 1) 2. What is the law of life? (See Heb 8:10 note 1) 3. Why do we need a blood-purified conscience to serve God? (See Heb. 9:14 note 3)   Tomorrow: Faith Is the Substantiation of Things Hoped for Recommended Website: A Statement from Fuller Theological Seminary http://lctestimony.org/FullerStatement.pdf Welcome to Our Recovery Version Bible Study Group This Week: Time: Place: Person to Contact: Telephone:
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