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Question again
送交者: mean 2011年05月14日06:27:56 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话
Remember the deal between David and the Gibeonites? Please judge them according to the Law of God as passed down through Moses. Fundamental questions to deal with are these:

Were the Gibeonites justified in requesting the deaths of Saul's sons; Were Saul's sons guilty of the blood sins; Was David justified in handing them over?
Were the Gibeonites justified in leaving the body of Saul's sons; Why did Rizpah not bury her children; Why did David have no hand in this until much later?
The last question is an interesting one: What ultimately made did God bring the famine to an end? The blood guilt paid? or Saul and his sons buried? :)

I've read too many Bible commentaries and I am getting a little confused. Need a second point of view.
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