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Fund Raising for Ecuador
送交者: 宁远3 2012年06月15日10:27:37 于 [彩虹之约] 发送悄悄话

I would like to thank everyone who has made donation and/or prayer for supporting Ecuador Medical Missionary Trip –
this mission will not happen and succeed without your kindly support – it will start on June 23rd and end on July 7th
and our family will join the mission as 2nd group on June 30th.  Below you can view the status of financial support our
family has received so far.  Again, thank you so much for your generosity.

Fund Category (for Hsu Family)   Amount  Percentage  Comments
Target Fund                             $8,400.00  100.00%   $2,100.00 x 4
Contribution from Hsu Family       $3,500.00  41.67%   To cover expenses and fees for the missionary trip (B3)
Donation Received                     $3,057.96  36.40%   As of 6/15/2012 from friends and church members  (B4)
Total Fund Received                   $6,557.96  78.07%   (B3 + B4)
Fund Shortage                           $1,842.04  21.93%   Hopefully this number can become 0 or negative by 6/22/2012 so the Hsu Family can reach the goal of raising fund for the very first missionary trip


Based on the financial report in the group meeting last night, the fund received for the entire missionary team has reached about 80% from the goal.  Hsu Family has reached 78.07% which is closed to team average and is urged to continue working on this in the final week before the mission starts.

If you are touched in your heart by the Lord and would like to make additional donation to the fund, you can still do it online by June 22nd 2012 via the following URL link.

http://eleoshealing.org/donations.html - Any amount of donation ($10, $20, $30 or $50 or more) is appreciated to Eleos Healing Global Mission (with a memo reading “Hsu Family/Ecuador MMT”).

To learn about Eleos Healing Global Mission, please visit http://eleoshealing.org/gallery.html to see the photo gallery and navigate the entire site to see more information.

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