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送交者: 豌博 2018月05月14日16:59:41 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话
回  答: biol1 于 2018-05-14 16:27:48
The annual NBA Western Conference Finals, between the Rockets and the Warriors this year, will tip off at 9 pm. This final showdown of the wild west showcases a de facto world basketball championship match. The title-hungry Rockets have been dominant and writing the NBA history all year but the Warriors empire as the defending champs has gotten too mighty for anyone to conquer, given that virtually all 5 Warriors starters are all-star calibers and this does not bode well for the Rockets who can only boast 3.5 all-stars at best.  Ultimately, Houston Rockets must outpour a galvanised team spirit and super performance from both their stars and role players in order to have a chance. Watch for yourself as the game-time drama can only unravel by itself..
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