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送交者: 红山狼 2017年02月24日06:57:04 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话

事故发生在星期三,在Kansas。 一名想阻止枪击的白人受伤。 危险,是不是得想法洗白自己啊?

Three men were wounded in the shooting at a crowded bar in Olathe on Wednesday night and one of them later died.
A barman told local media a man used racial slurs before opening fire. Two of the victims, including the deceased, are Indian.
Adam Purinton, 51, has been charged with premeditated first-degree murder and the FBI is investigating a motive.
A bystander told the Kansas City Star that just before opening fire the gunman shouted: "Get out of my country."
The killing dominated news bulletins in India and social media, where some blamed Donald Trump's presidency.
Siddharth, an Indian actor who uses one name, tweeted to his 2.6 million followers: "Don't be shocked! Be angry! Trump is spreading hate. This is a hate crime! RIP #SrinivasKuchibhotla."


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