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合法大麻 :香港“民主运动”的目的
送交者: Mayi 2014年10月05日15:52:32 于 [竞技沙龙] 发送悄悄话






鸦片战争,打了两回都输了,割让香港给大英帝国。现在自由派人士又开始翻案,反正意思就是禁烟的林则徐是傻X, 鸦片战争输了应该。。。等等。 我都懒得骂他们,真怀疑这帮人不懂英文,自己翻翻当年英国人自己写的日记,出的书,议院辩论的纪录,英国人自己都知道这不是什么光彩的事,发了财都不说是倒腾鸦片,而是说倒腾茶叶。当年的鸦片船叫 opium clipper, 他们自己都 知道不好听于是对外叫 tea clipper。要不是这丢人的历史,84年老邓也没那么容易要回香港。


20世纪初就从当时的威海租界招募山东大汉到香港当警察,英国人很喜欢这些强壮听话的山东人,派得都是好活,这些人过的不错,就把家眷接来,落地生根了,其中一位的后代混的不错,就是现在的特首梁振英(阿sir 的传统,没事扔个催泪弹,手法比较糙,哈哈)。









1. 74年吧,港英当局终于承认中文的合法地位。

2. 联合国有个去殖民化的委员会,主要是和列强商量何时让他们的殖民地挣脱锁链,取得独立。英国开了个清单,香港也包括在内。这时候不得不服周恩来,脑子真是好使,中共一回到联合国,就找去殖民地委员说,香港是中国的领土,现在英国是通过不平等条约霸占着。这些条约怎么来的,是英国人要卖鸦片毒害我们,还发动了两次鸦片战争被逼签的好不好, 俺们共产党不承认这些狗屁条约。英国人当然抗议,但是能在去殖民化委员会干活的,肯定都是左派阿,不用说抗议无效,香港就从殖民地的清单里划去了。也就是说先不管香港主权归谁,殖民地独立这条路算是堵死了。

终于到了80年代初, 撒切尔来了,英国人携马岛大胜之威,和我党说我要续签新界的租约,根本没香港什么事儿。先和紫阳同志谈,紫阳同志那会儿还嫩,也许根本就是右倾投降,搞外交不专业什么什么的,总之是压不住。于是撒切尔接着跟老邓谈。这谈话有好几个版本,挑一个“靠谱”的:英国人跟老邓玩黑红脸,撒切尔来软的,下面的一位来硬的,和老邓说话没规矩,把老邓惹毛了。这就狠personal 了,老大在说话呢,什么阿猫阿狗啊你就敢睇牙,据说老邓一口浓痰吐在地上,指着几位英国人一通骂,那意思就是不给我明年就夺回来,不用等到97,香港要定了。

那几位登时震着了,回去合计了一年,知道这事要黄,我大英已然不是一百年前了,没办法,first round 咱认栽,主权算是出让了(不过英国人坚持是turn over,不是return香港)。又经过一两年的谈判,84年12月终于签署了联合声明。中国赢了面子,英国的得失不好说,








































中華人民共和國政府 代表

趙紫陽 (簽字)

大不列顛及北愛爾蘭聯合王國政府 代表



Joint Declaration

The Sino-British Joint Declaration consists of eight paragraphs, three Annexes about the Basic Policies regarding Hong Kong, the Sino–British Joint Liaison Group and the Land Leases as well as the two Memoranda of the two sides. Each part has the same status, and “The whole makes up a formal international agreement, legally binding in all its parts. An international agreement of this kind is the highest form of commitment between two sovereign states.”[7] Within these declarations the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region shall be directly under the authority of the Central People's Government of the PRC and shall enjoy a high degree of autonomy except for foreign and defense affairs. It shall be allowed to have executive, legislative and independent judicial power, including that of final adjudication. The Basic Law explains that in addition to Chinese, English may also be used in organs of government and that apart from the national flag and national emblem of the PRC the HKSAR may use a regional flag and emblem of its own. It shall maintain the capitalist economic and trade systems previously practiced in Hong Kong. The PRC declared that the basic policies regarding Hong Kong are as follows:

. National unity and territorial integrity shall be upheld and a Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) shall be established.

The HKSAR will be directly under the authority of the Central People’s Government of the PRC and will enjoy a high degree of autonomy, except in foreign and defense affairs.

• It will be vested with executive, legislative and independent judicial power (including that of final adjudication) and the laws currently in force in Hong Kong will remain basically unchanged.

The Government of the HKSAR will be composed of local inhabitants but the chief executive will be appointed by the Central People’s Government on the basis of the results of elections or consultations to be held locally, and he will nominate the principal officials. Furthermore the legislature of the HKSAR shall be constituted by elections.

Not just the current social and economic system in Hong Kong will remain unchanged, also the life-style and rights and freedoms, including those of the person, of speech, of the press, of assembly, of association, of travel, of movement, of correspondence, of strike, of demonstration, of choice of occupation, of academic research and of religious belief, inviolability of the home, the freedom to marry, the right to raise a family freely. Those will be ensured by law as well as the private property, ownership of enterprises, legitimate right of inheritance and foreign investment.

The Hong Kong Special Administration Region will retain the status of a free port and a separate customs territory. It can continue the free trade policy, including free movement of goods and capital.

The HKSAR will retain the status of an international financial centre with free flow of capital and the Hong Kong dollar remaining freely convertible. The HKSAR may authorize designated banks to issue or continue to issue Hong Kong currency under statutory authority.

It will have independent finances with its own budgets and final accounts, but reporting it to the Central People’s Government. Additionally the Central People’s Government will not levy taxes on it.

The HKSAR may establish mutually beneficial economic relations with the United Kingdom and other countries.

The name used for international relations will be ‘Hong Kong, China’. In doing so it may maintain and develop economic and cultural relations and agreements with states, regions and relevant international organizations on its own and it may issue travel documents for Hong Kong. International agreements to which the PRC is not a party but Hong Kong is may remain implemented in the HKSAR.

The government of the HKSAR is responsible for the maintenance of public order. Military forces sent by the Central People’s Government, stationed in HKSAR, for the purpose of defense shall not interfere in the internal affairs in the HKSAR.

Those basic policies will be stipulated in a Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in the PRC by the national people's congress and will remain unchanged for 50 years.

The Government of the United Kingdom will be responsible for the administration of Hong Kong with the object of maintaining and preserving its economic prosperity and social stability until 30 June 1997 and the Government of the PRC will give its co-operation in this connection.

Furthermore this declaration regulates the right of abode, those of passports and immigration. All Chinese nationals who were born or who have ordinarily resided in Hong Kong for a continuous period of seven years or more are qualified to obtain permanent identity cards. Those cardholders can also get a passport of the HKSAR, which is valid for all states and regions. But the entry into the HKSAR of persons from other parts of China shall continue to be regulated in accordance with the present practice.

The PRC's basic policies regarding Hong Kong (Annex I)

This Annex is called the Elaboration by the government of the People's Republic of China of its basic policies regarding Hong Kong. It is partly mentioned in the summary above and deals in detail with the way Hong Kong will work after 1 July 1997. The annex consist of following sections: (1) Constitutional arrangements and government structure; (II) the laws; (III) the judicial system; (IV) the public service; (V) the financial system; (VI) the economic system and external economic relations; (VII) the monetary system, (VIII) shipping, (IX) civil aviation; (X) education; (XI) foreign affairs; (XII) defense, security and public order; (XIII) basic rights and freedoms; (XIV) right of abode, travel and immigration.

Sino-British Joint Liaison Group (Annex II)

Annex II set up the Sino-British Joint Liaison Group. That Group came into force at 1 July 1988 and continued its work until 1 January 2000. Its functions were

a) to conduct consultations on the implementation of the Joint Declaration

b) to discuss matters relating to the smooth transfer of government in 1997

c) to exchange information and conduct consultations on such subjects as may be agreed by the two sides.[8]

This Group was an organ for liaison and not of power, where each side could send up to 20 supporting staff members. It should meet at least once in each of the three locations (Beijing, London and Hong Kong) in each year. From 1 July 1988 onwards it was based in Hong Kong. It should also assist the HKSAR to maintain and develop economic and cultural relations and conclude agreements on these matters with states, regions and relevant international organizations and could therefore set up specialist sub-groups. Between 1985 and 2000 the Joint Liaison Group held 47 plenary meetings whereof 18 were held in Hong Kong, 15 in London and 14 in Beijing.

One of the main achievements had been to ensure the continuity of the independent judiciary in Hong Kong, including agreements in the areas of law of Merchant Shipping, Civil Aviation, Nuclear Material, Whale Fisheries, Submarine Telegraph, Outer Space and many others. Furthermore it agreed to a network of bilateral agreements between Hong Kong and other countries. Within those agreements were reached on the continued application of about 200 international conventions to the HKSAR after 30 June 1997. Hong Kong should also continue to participate in various international organizations after the handover.

Land Leases (Annex III)

According to the Land Leases all leased lands, granted by the British Hong Kong Government, which extend beyond 30 June 1997 and all rights in relation to such leases shall continue to be recognized and protected under the law of the HKSAR for a period expiring not longer than 30 June 2047. Furthermore a Land Commission shall be established with equal number of officials from the Government of the United Kingdom and the Government of the PRC which was dissolved on 30 June 1997. This commission was established in 1985 and met in Hong Kong for 35 formal meetings and agreed on 26 legal documents, within the granting of the land required for the new airport at  Chek Lap Kok in 1994 .

United Kingdom Memorandum

In this memorandum the Government of the United Kingdom declared that all persons who hold British Dependent Territories citizenship (BDTCs) through an affiliation with Hong Kong would cease to be BDTCs on 1 July 1997. After the declaration, the Hong Kong Act, 1985 and the Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order, 1986 created the category British National (Overseas). BDTCs were allowed to apply for British National (Overseas) status until July 1997, but this status does not in of itself grant the right of abode anywhere, including the United Kingdom and Hong Kong. After the handover, most former BDTCs became citizens of the People's Republic of China. Any who were ineligible for PRC citizenship and who had not applied for BN(O) status automatically became British Overseas citizens.

Chinese Memorandum

“Under the National Law of the PRC, all Hong Kong Chinese compatriots, whether they are holders of the 'British Dependent Territories Citizens' Passport’ or not, are Chinese nationals.” Those people who use travel documents issued by the Government of the United Kingdom are permitted to use them for the purpose of traveling to other states and regions, but they will not be entitled to British consular protection in the HKSAR and other parts of the PRC.

仔细读下来,尤其是英文的,怎么中国都是责任,没有什么权利啊?什么一国两制,特别行政区,都是马虎眼,什么保证资产阶级生活方式,都是障眼法,其实英国的伏笔就是中国要回的不是主权 Sovereignty,是50年宗主权Suzerainty,除了军事外交,剩下的一切自主,不抽税,不干涉,类似于我大清和朝鲜的关系。法理上讲宗主国和附属国之间是协议关系,是可以中止的。英国和香港的大律师们不可能不知道这里的区别,这里留了一个活口。这个活口的突破点就落在特首/立法会的普选上。


1. 1200人的特首选举委员会提名2-3名不民主,占中人士提出增加政党提名,独立人提名。

2. 对于爱国爱港的前提认为没有必要,属于道德范畴,不是法律范畴。


要制造Crisis. 是谁呢,著名的National Endowment for Democracy。什么阿拉伯之春,乌克兰内战,基本都是这个组织出力的,这个组织隶属美国国务院,一年有上亿的纳税人的钱用在各国搞“民主运动”,现在亚洲有20个基金资助项目,16个面向中国,这里面包括6个是维吾尔独立组织,象什么昆明砍人,人家说那是反抗压迫。总之说白了就是打着民主旗号的CIA。




所以占中就是要制造冲突,向阿拉伯之春那样,最终目的造成公投独立。如果明白占中为了制造独立,就明白为什么他们一定要在特首的普选规则里不能有一丝一毫的中国印记。一开始我还想不明白这帮人怎么对特首普选这么锲而不舍,政治热情真高,现在觉得哈人家香港人精着呢,如果他们的两条通过 - 候选人不经过选举委员会提名,不承认“爱国爱党”,香港特首普选将没有任何中国元素,这样选举出来的就是真正的香港人的领袖,法理上中国变成了真正的宗主国。不仅如此,到时候一定会推出香港独立公投(hong kong independence referendum) 和特首选举捆绑,这时候再举出国际惯例要求独立。绝对站得住脚。真闹到这种地步中央没有别的办法只能废选,那就麻烦了。

回过来看看颟顸的中央政府,97之后中央对香港的态度基本上是游子归来,要什么给什么。还是国内那一套,你好我好一家人哈 - 这是典型的一厢情愿。国人总是忽略一个事实:香港被英国统治了一百五十年,香港人,尤其是以金融家,律师为代表的香港精英们根本就是英国人,人香港这么多年英式教育不是白给的,虽然台湾人腆着脸说中国文化在台湾,至少还有中国的意识,勉强算是人民内部矛盾;香港人的高大上都是英国那一套,他们从来都认为内地人不开化,不文明,这不是钱的事,是文明冲突,敌我矛盾。可以说香港独立比台湾还有更深厚的民意基础,香港的精英们从一开始就憋着要自治,然后独立,成为新加坡那样的。在他们的视野里,香港作为亚洲新的民主之星,再加上传统的反共桥头堡,前途会是一片光明。





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