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trend weakness
送交者: deliver 2014月10月07日19:20:22 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 第五届股坛大师赛金牌榜【第1周】穿墙屁 于 2014-10-04 10:08:34
The S&P 500 continued to drive lower today down over 28 points and the Dow down over 250 points on the day. We are starting to see acceleration to the downside in this market in a retest toward the 1900 level or much further. 


Any break through the 1900 level could bring prices toward the 1800 level and the S&P were much lower possibly 1600 level. As we have been discussing for quite some time we have been seeing a very toppy type of marketplace and significant divergence on the long-term showing some potential trend weakness.
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