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How about selling OTM calls?
送交者: jstone 2015月07月25日21:51:02 于 [股市财经] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 下周计划deliver 于 2015-07-25 19:59:41
deliver, As always enjoy reading your comments for next week trades. Selling calls is another idea by getting credits instead of buying puts. If conservative, directly selling call spreads if bearish. I usually started to sell net call first. If the market is against me, I will buy OTM far calls to hedge so becoming call spreads or ratio spreads. qqq option is very liquid. The bid and ask price is small. Avoid to trade 3 time etf options since they are less liquid and they are losing values. For more exposure or bearish, buy/sell more qqq options or buy ITM qqq puts.  Some ideas to share. -jstone.
  应该也行, 但我还是搞简单一点的 - deliver 07/26/15 (394)
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