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next week plan: collect money
送交者: deliver 2015月11月14日16:36:26 於 [股市財經] 發送悄悄話
回  答: 第九屆股壇大師賽金牌榜【第6周】穿牆屁 於 2015-11-14 12:25:03
other than that,  prepared to buy vxx/vix puts if there is a spike in vix on Monday. better buy 1/20/2016 puts but if there is a huge spike, buy 11/18/2015 puts and close the puts the same day.

watch il closely and prepared to buy ery/sco puts or buy erx/uso calls .
  closed 7 positions - deliver 11/16/15 (3497)
    opened 2 positions - deliver 11/17/15 (3494)
      @66.8, short upro  /無內容 - deliver 11/18/15 (3439)
        opened 2 positions - deliver 11/19/15 (3339)
        @1.68, sold all CLDN  /無內容 - deliver 11/19/15 (3424)
          opened 2 positions - deliver 11/20/15 (3316)
    should be - deliver 11/16/15 (155)
    should be @3.334, Sold CBIO - deliver 11/16/15 (154)
  VIX option ticker in - deliver 11/14/15 (3545)
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