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送交者: Turkey 2020月05月24日13:04:43 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
回  答: 我老人家英文不行,检索了一下河东流鳝给毛左的建议,哇--,cnoversea 于 2020-05-24 12:49:38




When i moved in my grandma's house to take care of her i notice that every morning my grandma plays this in her little cassette. I asked her one time why. And she told me this and i just started crying.😭💔He's dead for almost 7 years but i still see him in my dreams. I never consider him as a ghost for your grandpa never left me. You see, Whenever i look outside my window i still see him. As i lay down in my couch i can hear him playing the piano. I can hear him singing like an angel. When the drapes are tied from the window and the cassette begins to play i know he's already there. And this masterpiece was your grandfather's favorite if only i could dance with him for the last time. I was hoping if i play this every morning he might hear me and maybe one day he'll come visit me and dance with me one last time before i die.

  谢。 /无内容 - cnoversea 05/24/20 (45)
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