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送交者: k19 2018年06月13日18:59:08 於 [茗香茶語] 發送悄悄話

Rampant Drug Use On Obama's Air Force One Made "Awkward Hookups With Colleagues Funny And Bizarre"

"It was like summer camp on steroids"  

  • Former White House stenographer Beck Dorey-Stein has made salacious claims in her upcoming memoir, From the Corner of the Oval

  • Dorey-Stein says that drug-fueled flights aboard Air Force One made "awkward intimacy with colleagues suddenly just funny and bizarre

  • She and one of Obama's senior staffers, Jason Wolf, had hot sex in various hotel rooms before he broke her heart

  • Obama's traveling staff was comprised of mostly women, dubbed "the Vigiants" 

While we're way beyond debating whether or not Obama had a "scandal-free" administration as he claimed last January, the former President's stenographer, Beck Dorey-Stein, has come out of the woodwork with a new memoir, From the Corner of the Ovalwhich contains several shocking claims from her copious notes taken during her travel to over 60 countries over five years aboard Air Force One, reports the Daily Mail

After answering an Obama administration's Craigslist ad for a stenographer, the then-25-year-old Dorey-Stein quit her five part-time jobs after she was hired to work in the White House in 2012 - joining a pool of 13 reporters from the White House press corps to travel with the president, recording everything he said and then transcribing it for the press office and presidential archive. 

'Traveling with the president is like summer camp on steroids – a week on the road is like a year at home', Dorey-Stein writes.

The "steroids" in this case would be a steady supply of pharmaceuticals - which staffers were constantly taking while cheating on their significant others on the road - such as senior staffer Jason Wolf.

Boarding Air Force One for the first time with an overstuffed duffel because she didn't know what not to pack, she thought she saw actor Jim Carrey sitting near the front of the plane.

He turned out to be the man she fell hopelessly in love with, Jason Wolf - the man she left her hotel room door ajar for in foreign cities.


Wolf never talked about his serious relationship with his girlfriend Brooke back home in LA whose father was a famous producer.

She'd leave her hotel room door open for him so he could sneak in at night. 

They carried on across the globe while Beck tried to keep her boyfriend Sam out of her mind.

She describes experiencing 'the best sleepover party ever' where everyone took their drug of choice on long flights – Sonata, Xanax or Ambien – which made any 'awkward intimacy with colleagues suddenly just funny and bizarre,' she writes. -Daily Mail

Of course, Obama is no stranger to lude behavior on a plane, proudly displaying his erection during a flight in a #MeToo moment (we sure feel violated):

Beck recalls listening to "old-timer boozy party animals" regail each other with stories about the different administrations, presidents and international affairs - such as George H.W. Bush barfing on the Japanese prime minister, or Reagan falling asleep in front of the pope. 

'Pinch me because how is this scene my real life'? Beck writes.

She also notes in her book how, despite traveling to some of the most poverty-stricken countries in the world - the scene when the U.S. delegation arrived was always the same.

'We do not see the slums or hear the screams. No matter where we are in the world, Dar es Salaam or Indianapolis, the field always looks the same: red carpet, white tent, blue velvet drape'. -Daily Mail

Beck stayed on with the Trump administration - which she describes as the "insane clown posse," adding "What was once joy has become 'a waking nightmare. I'm now a stenographer in the Trump administration."

We're sure that can be fixed.

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