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送交者: 绿野仙人 2019年11月14日06:11:33 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话


HUGE! EXCLUSIVE BOMBSHELL: Documents Released by Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s Office Reveal MILLIONS Funneled to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry Family


Oh My.  Documents released this evening tie millions from foreign sources to the Hunter Biden, Devon Archer and John Kerry and his family!

Documents reportedly leaked from the Ukrainian General Prosecutor’s office show complex money transfers from foreign sources into former President Obama’s Vice President and Secretary of State’s families –

According to counter intelligence in Latvia around $4 million was obtained by Burisma Holdings Limited which was then transferred to Hunter Biden and Devon Archer –

Burisma Holdings then sent $3.5 million via Morgan Stanley to Hunter Biden and the John Kerry family –

Money was transferred and then Burisma was no longer under investigation.

As The Gateway Pundit reported last night the payments from Burisma to Hunter Biden and the Kerry family from Burisma Holdings included 38 payments for $83,000 totaling over $3.1 million.

The Burisma investigation was shut down after Biden withheld $1B in aid to the Ukraine –

The quid-pro-quo with the Ukraine involved Joe Biden and John Kerry – not President Donald Trump –

The real crimes involving the US involve John Kerry, his family and the Bidens, not President Donald Trump!

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