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送交者: 淡紫 2019年11月22日14:31:42 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

A new poll shows support for the impeachment of President Trump has declined since public hearings have started.

The Emerson poll released Thursday found support for impeachment has dropped from 48% to 43% since October, while opposition to impeachment has risen from 44% to 45%.

Independents are key in the shift, with 49% opposing impeachment and only 34% supporting impeachment. In October, 48% of independents supported impeachment and 39% opposed.

The poll also showed Trump's approval rating rising to a net positive. Forty-eight percent approved of the president while 47% disapproved. His approval rating was only 43% a month ago.

A Morning Consult-Politico poll this week also showed independents are beginning to oppose impeachment as the second week of public hearings wraps up. The poll found a 10% drop in support from independents since the beginning of public hearings.

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