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送交者: 纽约大被窝 2020年03月28日09:41:05 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

Navarro 是个非常有远见非常智慧的学者,在这个关键时刻,这是非常明智的任命。

如果创普能一直听从Navarro 的建议,大家真应该希望创普再次当选。

希望Trump在Navarro 的支持下,重建美国的产业和贸易。

President Donald Trump named current Director of Trade and Manufacturing Policy Peter Navarro as the policy coordinator for the Defense Production Act during a Friday coronavirus task force briefing.

"That's a very important position," Trump said, "more important probably than it's almost ever been in our country."

Navarro has been a member of the Trump administration since 2017 with a Ph.D in economics from Harvard University.

In March Navarro said he was working with Trump on an executive order which would
keep medicines made abroad out of the national supply chain by providing incentives to American pharmaceutical companies to produce the needed medications and supplies.

"What we've got to do is three things," Navarro told Fox News in March. "We are going to have to buy American, we are going to deregulate so we can get things done faster and, most importantly, we are going to innovate to keep prices down."

Navarro compared the efforts to mitigate the spread of coronavirus with being at war.

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