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送交者: 淡紫 2020年07月02日14:41:23 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话

Senate passes sanctions bill targeting China over Hong Kong law

BY JORDAIN CARNEY - 07/02/20 03:08 PM EDT 2

The Senate passed legislation on Thursday to slap sanctions on Chinese officials who restrict Hong Kong's autonomy. 

The legislation, which is now headed to President Trump's desk, would impose penalties on individuals who infringe on Hong Kong's semi-independence from China, as well as the banks who do business with them. 

"All of the prosperity and the elevation of human dignity that comes from human freedom and Democratic values from one model, that is the model that is up against the dark shadows of the authoritarian governments that are constantly pushing to systemically erode, corrode and warp the values and freedoms that we cherish. ...Through this bill, the U.S. Senate makes clear which side we're on," Sen. Pat Toomey (R-Pa.) said from the Senate floor. 

Sen. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) added that passing the legislation would show that the "United States must stand with people of Hong Kong."  

The Senate initially passed sanctions legislation last week but because of a constitutional snag on how Congress passes bills that might generate revenue the House had to pass its own version of the bill on Wednesday and send it to the Senate. 

  加个截屏: - 淡紫 07/02/20 (69)
  加个截屏: - 淡紫 07/02/20 (63)
    很好磨。肠胃们的贪污赃款钱今后都烂锅里了,变不成美金聊  /无内容 - 对对眼 07/02/20 (57)
      如果欧盟跟进,是不是欧元也换不成了?  /无内容 - 淡紫 07/02/20 (45)
            港币不再是硬通货后,估计包子会取消。一个国家一个党一种货币  /无内容 - 淡紫 07/02/20 (42)
            早就该取消港币地位了,今后让港币只能换人民币  /无内容 - 牛樂 07/02/20 (71)
              中共占了香港和港币多少便宜啊。这样也不善待香港和港人  /无内容 - 淡紫 07/02/20 (43)
        委内瑞拉玻利瓦尔保证随时能换.  /无内容 - 牛樂 07/02/20 (52)
          前不久欧洲议会以压倒性的高票通过对中共的制裁,还是看好欧盟  /无内容 - 淡紫 07/02/20 (35)
        非常好玩。自己玩自己。  /无内容 - 对对眼 07/02/20 (37)
    更正:掐断中共的美金在香港的进出  /无内容 - 淡紫 07/02/20 (44)
      全大佬,你才是金融专家好吗?我还指望着你给这贴盖章认证呢  /无内容 - 淡紫 07/02/20 (45)
        嘿嘿,忽略了。不好意思  /无内容 - 对对眼 07/02/20 (50)
  太好了。可以放手干了  /无内容 - 对对眼 07/02/20 (57)
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