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送交者: YDX 2011年06月18日17:12:47 于 [茗香茶语] 发送悄悄话
Charles Z. Zheng
Department of Economics
University of Western Ontario
Social Science Centre, Room 4071
London, Ontario, Canada, N6A 5C2
Citizen of USA
Ph.D., University of Minnesota, June 1999
BA, Lawrence University, June 1993
Associate Professor (with tenure) of Economics, University of Western Ontario, Fall 2010 - Present
Associate Professor (with tenure) of Economics, Iowa State University, Fall 2006 - Spring 2010
Assistant Professor of Economics, Northwestern University, Fall 1999 - Spring 2006
"Collusion via Resale" (joint with Rod Garratt and Thomas Troger),
Econometrica, v77, n4, 1095-1136 (July 2009, Articles)
"The Default-Prone U.S. Toxic Asset Auction Plan,"
Contributions of the B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, v9, n1, Article 21 (April 2009)
"Auctions with Costly Information Acquisition" (joint with Jacques Cremer and Yossef Spiegel),
Economic Theory, v38, n1, 41-72 (January 2009)
"Core Equivalence Theorem with Production" (joint with Siyang Xiong),
Journal of Economic Theory, v137, n1, 246-270 (November 2007)
"Optimal Search Auctions" (joint with Jacques Cremer and Yossef Spiegel),
Journal of Economic Theory, v134, n1, 226-248 (May 2007)
"Optimal Search Auctions with Correlated Bidder Types" (joint with Jacques Cremer and Yossef Spiegel),
Economics Letters, v93, n1, 94-100 (Oct. 2006)
"Optimal Auction with Resale" (not from my dissertation),
Econometrica, v70, n6, 2197-2224 (Nov. 2002, Articles)
"High Bids and Broke Winners" (part of my dissertation),
Journal of Economic Theory, v100, 129-171 (2001)
"Application of Mechanism Design to Electric Power Markets" (joint with C. Silva and B. Wollenberg),
IEEE Transaction on Power Systems, v16, n1, 1-8 (February 2001)
Working Papers
"Robust Collusion in Auctions," mimeo, May 2011
"A Coase Theorem Based on a New Concept of the Core," mimeo, May 2010
"Jump Bidding and Overconcentration in Decentralized Simultaneous Ascending Auctions"
under revision, accepted subject to revision, Games and Economic Behavior
"Stochastic Blocking and Core Convergence in Nonconvex Production Economies"
(joint with Siyang Xiong), mimeo, March 2007
Work in Progress
"Existence of Equilibrium in First-Price Auctions with Resale"
"Interactive Blocking in Arrow-Debreu Economies" (joint with Siyang Xiong)
Research Support
SSHRC Grant 410-2011-1749, 2011--2014, “Auctions Design with Financially Constrained Bidders,”
Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada
NSF Grant SES-0214471, 2002--2006, "Auction Design with Resale," National Science Foundation

Honors and Awards
Fellow,The Christopher J. Grimes Fellowship in Microeconomic Theory, University of Western Ontario,
Fellow, Graduate School Dissertation Fellowship, University of Minnesota, 1998-99
Distinguished Instructor, University of Minnesota, 1996-97
Scholar, The Henry Merritt Wriston Scholarship Award, Lawrence University, 1991-93
Phi Beta Kappa, Lawrence University, 1993
The Alexander Wiley Prize, Lawrence University, 1993
The Andrew C. Berry - James C. Stewart Prize in Mathematics, Lawrence University, 1993
The McConagha Prize in Economics, Lawrence University, 1993
The Charlotte Wood Prize in English, for the best essay, Lawrence University, 1991
The Alexander J. Reid Prize in English, Lawrence University, 1991
标 题 (必选项):
内 容 (选填项):
回国机票$360起 | 商务舱省$200 | 全球最佳航空公司出炉:海航获五星
海外华人福利!在线看陈建斌《三叉戟》热血归回 豪情筑梦 高清免费看 无地区限制
一周点击热帖 更多>>
2010: 逻辑:西安人吃粽子吗?
2010: 二野:宜宾之行-3
2009: 才发现这里有个征婚网,我一个一个的看
2009: 生非过:好感动哟,
2008: 看图识人,猜猜这是哪位?
2008: 女理发师
2007: 【精彩小说_大洋烟云】 (43): 募捐不容
2007: 中国再也不需要小说了
2006: 每年的6月18日, 【父亲节】
2006: 珍珠花的传说1