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EB1 绿卡申请的推荐信
送交者: Peter93 2015年08月24日08:13:37 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

The Reference Letters for the Alien’s Contributions in the Field

The foreign applicant should obtain multiple letters of recommendation or recommendation letters from recognized experts in their academic field. The majority of these letters should be from independent experts outside the alien applicant's circle, and preferably from international sources. The letters should evidence the foreign national’s international recognition as extraordinary in their field and original scientific or scholarly research contributions. The letters should state that the foreign national is extraordinary and in what ways.

The letter of recommendation is also called reference letter, and it is a letter written by an expert in the alien applicant's field. The recommendation letters are essential for EB1 Extraordinary Ability petition. The USCIS adjudicators are normally not experts in an academic field, thus the only way for them to determine whether an alien applicant qualify for extraordinary ability is looking at submitted objective evidence. A recommendation letter is among the most important objective evidence.

Generally, scholarly work is expressed in specialized language. In order to assist the alien’s original contributions in the field, USCIS adjudicators will consider the reference letters from the experts in the field  for the alien’s contributions.

But not all reference letters could help to provide such analysis. The reference letters that specifically indicate how the alien beneficiary has contributed to the field and its impact on subsequent work would add value for an EB-1A petition. On the other hand, the reference letters do not include specifics, and simply use hyperbolic language do not add value for an EB-1A petition.


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