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Apply for Immigrant Visa with Form I-130
送交者: Peter93 2015年11月22日10:36:23 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

Can a Widow of U.S. Citizen Apply for Immigrant Visa with Form I-130 by Herself?


My friend came to United States last year and married a U.S. Citizen. But she became a widow before her husband could get time to file immigrant visa for her. Can she apply for immigrant visa to get Green Card by herself to stay in United States?

If an alien spouse was married to a U.S. citizen, the alien spouse was in an especially good position to get a Green Card in the United States. Even if the U.S. citizen spouse died before filing the initial visa petition of USCIS Form I-130 for the alien spouse, or before the Form I-130 petition was approved by USCIS.

For this kind of situation, the alien spouse may be able to carry on and file the immigrant visa petition of USCIS Form I-360 by herself or himself. Unlike other family beneficiaries, the alien spouse need not have an Affidavit of Support filed on her or him behalf for this situation. But there is a deadline to file the Form I-360. The alien spouse must file the Form I-360 petition no later than two years after the death of the  U.S. citizen spouse.


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