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申请美国绿卡 - EB-1A标准分析
送交者: Peter93 2015年12月20日12:18:16 于 [美国移民] 发送悄悄话

The EB-1A Criteria Analysis - Published Material about the Alien in Professional or Major Trade Publications or Other Major Media

To satisfy this EB1 extraordinary ability criterion, the submitted evidence should include published material in professional or major trade publications, or in major media publications, about the alien applicant's contributions to the field, with the circulation number and the intended audience of the publication. The burden is on the petitioner to establish that a publication is sufficient for the EB1 extraordinary ability criterion.

For regional publications or publications for an ethnic group or language group, USCIS will consider them as sufficient for this criterion only if they are considered the top publications in the field, or the publications have national or international circulation and reputation. Examples of the qualifying regional publications include The Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, and the New England Journal of Medicine.

For the published material, the alien's accomplishments should be the focal point. Generally, it is not persuasive if articles are about the organizations or projects that the alien applicant is involved in, but only mention the alien's name in passing. The submitted evidence should establish the significance of the alien applicant's contributions, and also show that the alien is one of the small percent who have risen to the very top of the field.

Furthermore, any marketing materials for selling the alien applicant’s products or promoting his/her services are not considered by USCIS to be published material about the alien beneficiary. Also, mere citations to an alien’s work, without detailed documentation establishing the alien's extraordinary ability in a field, are not sufficient to satisfy this criterion.


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