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送交者: 小哭 2014年01月01日06:00:15 于 [海 二 代] 发送悄悄话


Susan 小哭译










我确实因着我的朋友们很高兴。他们完美吗?不。但是……我完美吗?不。所以扯平了。他们接受我, 我接受他们,我们在一起很开心。那就是朋友的样子。忠诚,接纳,并且在某个人做出错误决定时会有人捅捅她指出来正确的方向。我真的感谢上帝,给了我这样好的一群朋友。找到合适的人成为朋友很难,但却很值得。我愿意说,我不能希望有比这些更好的朋友了,但是事实上,我能希望。如我所说,他们不是完美的。但是他们已经足够好了。不,他们不仅仅是足够好了,他们已经很棒了。我真的很高兴有他们在我身边,一起度过初中阶段最后也是最难的一年。这对于我们所有的人来说都将是一次不同寻常的经历。








Friends-my standards for friends, and my current ones

A lot of people have asked me “Is it hard to make friends?”. I haven’t really considered this question properly before, I just shrugged and said “No, not really. I have lots of friends”. Now that I have time to think about it, I’ve came to the conclusion that friendship is either something that’s possible between me and someone, or it’s not possible. There’s really no guranteed way to “make” friends. It depends as much on the other person as it depends on myself. That’s what makes good friendships hard to come by. Having moved so much, I supposed it was a bit hard for me to make friends. Everyone else already had their own group of friends that they grew up together with. Showing up thirteen years after everyone else and trying to squeeze my way into an already tight-knit group was hard, every time.

Fortunately, God has blessed me with a very likable personality (if I’m being too vain, tell me). Though it might’ve been hard for me to make close friends, I don’t have any enemies. Most of the people that knows me would say I’m an alright person, that if I was assigned their partners for a projects, they wouldn’t be unhappy. I’m sure a few people would be pretty happy, since I’m a fairly smart person and I don’t mind helping people who aren’t as smart as me (again, am I being too vain?).

I think it’s safe to say that most people think I’m a nice, smart, and good person. That doesn’t make it any easier for me to make close friends, though. Although public image and reputation I can control easily, close friendships I can’t control. I can’t “make” it happen. Close friendship requires two (or more) people to have similarities, to have a similar way of thinking. It requires the people involved in the friendship to trust eachother, and see eachother as equals. It has been hard to form close friends, because I don’t see many people as my equals. I don’t see them as lower than me either. I just see them as a totally different type of person as I am, somebody I can not connect to at all. Close friendship takes time. Time to find people I can connect to, and time to actually bond and connect to them.

Again, luck has came my way, and after spending not evey a year at my new school, HMS, I have found myself my own circle of friends. We can totally connect to eachother. We like most of the same things, and we have almost the same values. And we’re all fairly nice people, though I think I’m more outgoing than them, which is why I have a lot of other friends aside from my close friends. The only problem is, I’m a bit more mature than them (I am not merely complimenting myself this time. They even admitted it themselves.). So, sometimes, my reactions to some things are different from theirs. Oh well, I can’t expect to have everything, and I’m happy for what I have.

8th grade is a really great time to connect more with my friends. I can learn more about them, they can learn more about me, and we can have fun together. I have a lot of classes with HP (though, sadly, we don’t sit next to eachother for most of them), and I sit with HP and XR and the bunch at lunch, so we have lost of chances to talk to eachother. It’s not like in China, where people get breaks in between the periods, so they can talk to their friends then. If I want to talk to my friends during school, I would have to talk to them at lunch or during class time when we’re not doing anything.

Before, HP and XR used to be best friends, I think. Now that I’ve joined the bunch, HP is becoming really close friends with me, and I’m a kind of afraid XR might get jealous. It’s not that I don’t like her, I do, a lot. It’s just that HP is more similar to me than XR. We like the same type of guys (In books, not in real life. Unlike most girls and their girlfriends, we haven’t talked about guys at all.), we have the same type of humor, and we think the same way. This year, I have so many classes with HP, so we’re becoming even closer friends.

I’ve had so many fun experiences with my group of friends, and so far, we’ve only been friends for half a year. To my surprise, I’m the funniest person in the bunch. I’m usually the one that makes everyone laugh, especially HP. I’ve never considered myself to be funny before. Maybe it’s because I’ve never met the right audience, until now.

Another time we talk with eachother is through e-mail. We message eachother about five to ten times per day. E-mail to us is like texting to most girls, except for the fact that it’s on the computer (since we don’t have a phone). We talk about important stuff (birthday parties, homework), and random unimportant stuff (which anime guy is more awesome, who’s more of a baka (that’s Japanese for idiot) than the other, and who’s smiley face is better: mine or HP’s). I often tell them about movies and books I’ve watched and read, in my attemps to bring them deeper into American society. So far, I have been very successful in making HP a huge fan of Loki (oh Loki…swoon). XR is going watch Thor this week, but I don’t think she’ll like Loki as much as HP and I. She’s not really the type for dark and dangerous guys, she’s more of the type for cute and adorable stuff.

Friends are important. I can be myself with them, and feel accepted. I don’t have to worry about them being annoyed at my craziness. We’re all pretty crazy. Me and HP have this really crazy argument going on: who’s smiley face is better. Her smiley face is a cute and adorable anime one, while mine is a simple glasses-face, comic style. So far, we’ve drawn all over teachers’ whiteboards (with their permission) and over eachother’s notebooks. I think I’m winning, as of now. But that can change.

I’m really glad about my friends. Are they perfect? No. But… am I perfect? No. So it evens out. They accept me, I accept them, and we can have fun together. That’s what friends are about. Loyalty, acceptance, and a occasion nudge in the right direction should one of us start making the wrong decisions. I really thank God for giving me such great friends. It’s been hard, finding the right people to be friends with, but it’s been well worth it. I would like to say I can’t wish for better friends than these, but actually, I can. As I had said, they’re not perfect. But they’re good enough. No, they’re not just good enough, they’re amazing. I’m really glad I have them by my side. Together, the last and hardest year of middle school would be a great experience for all of us.



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