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送交者: 小哭 2014年01月14日07:05:08 於 [海 二 代] 發送悄悄話


Susan 小哭譯













【小哭介紹背景】這一個機會,來得不是一帆風順,可是也沒有什麼太多的艱辛。Susan 只是在她有興趣的領域盡了力,機會就來了。至於這個機會還會發展成什麼,沒有人知道。我就是希望她能夠開心,能夠在參與活動的過程中提升自己,不管是得到角色後變得更自信,還是落選之後變得更堅強。我知道,沒有一些自信做鋪墊,想要堅強也很難。所以,順利在前總是好,但是挫折總會隨之而來的,生活就是如此。



老師在第二天回信了,說她非常地高興 。一是高興家長能夠有反饋信息,二是高興Susan這樣的孩子會在她的班裡,三是高興於從家長的郵件中看到了孩子不僅僅是在獨幕戲的排演過程中得到了快樂,甚至對孩子未來的發展也有那麼多的好處。老師對Susan的評價遠高過我們,我想老師更客觀,因為我們總是拿Susan和自己小時候的優點相比,而老師是拿Susan和同齡人相比。老師說Susan聰明、有責任心、做事有激情。那就足夠了!老師還說,這個獨幕劇結束後,還會有一個音樂劇,她希望Susan還會參加,不管是繼續當副導演還是上台表演,都行,她會和Susan當面商量。我曾經聽Susan提過此事,我當時覺得她是想繼續當副導演但又怕老師不選她,所以我想着可以在這事上和老師繼續交流,同時我也希望老師能夠更好地了解一下Susan,所以就又回了封郵件,說是聽說Susan想當導演,並順便把Susan的這篇小文發給老師了。不想Susan回家說,她這次想上台表演。我很想讓她當副導演,因為我覺得她的能力不在台前,在幕後。於是問Susan,為什麼這次只能二選一呢?如果上台演一個次要的角色,同時還當副導演, 不是更好嗎?Susan說是哦,怎麼沒想到呢?我覺得她可以在下周跟老師談,我就不再參與這些細節了。這幾天是長周末,老師還沒有回信。但目前來看,回不回信都不重要了,該溝通的已經溝通得差不多了。就是靜待事情往前推進,該出手的時候再出手吧。



1-Act Plays

Theater is different from film production. There are a few elements that are the same—acting, following directions, working with other people…. But they are very different. In film, and actor get more than one chance to act out a scene, so it’s alright if he or she messes up. However, in theater, while performing in front of an audience…. He or she can’t mess up. The facial expressions and body language in theater also have to be more exaggerated, because the audience don’t get to see a shot of the actor’s face filling their screen showing their emotions. Theater can be harder than acting sometimes, but it really depends on the actor and their crew. Some people are more suitable for theater acting and some more suitable for film production. Either way, the actors have to work hard, and the directors harder.

Theater has more traditions and is older than movie production. The video camera was only invented a century ago, while theater as been going on since the Acient Greeks. I have had some experience in film production, and I us to help out at a local television station, and film short movies myself. I’ve had experience as a director, an actor (actress?), an editor…. but I have never done anything in the theater. Until now.

I took drama class in school, and I discovered that I love acting live. I’m not bragging when I say this—I think I’m one of the best actors in the class. The teacher likes me a lot too. That’s why I decided to try out for the 1-Act Plays (1-Act because the whole story can be told in one act, while most proffessional plays are two or three acts). Hey, there’s been a lot of actor that (I think) are not as good as me, and they got in. So why shouldn’t I (again, no arrogance intended)? So, when I heard that the 1-Act Play was coming, I jumped at the chance. Time to show the world what a good actor I am!

My school (HMS) does 1-Act Play every year. They’re an after school activity, but not everyone can participate. There are auditions, where people who wants to be in the play have to act out part of the character they’re going to play, and after seeing everyone, the three drama teachers will determine who gets what part. A third of the people that try out usually don’t make it. Another third don’t get the roles they tried out for. Only a third get the part they want. However I didn’t know all of that when I went to the auditions. I was totally clueless as to how this “auditions” thing worked. All I knew was that I want to try out for the leading female role in my drama teacher’s play, “Check Please” (the three different teachers have three differennt plays). And I knew I was going to read from the first scene with that character and do my best.

I was very nervous when I went in the door to the music room that day. It was after school, and it was the first time I’ve stayed after school for an activity. There was more people than I’d expected. Well, I actually didn’t know what to expect. I had no idea whether I’d do good or not, or how the teacher were going to grade me. Like I said, I was totally clueless. After watching other people a while, I got the hang of it. I just go up there, tell the teachers who I am, what I would like to act, my second and third choices, and any other informations that I deem important. Then, I act out my part with another actor that’s auditioning for the other person that’s in the scene. The teachers were really encouraging, they always gave compliments, but also advice for how the actor could’ve acted the scene out better. A lot of people were horrible, but there were also some that were amazing. When it was my turn….

I think I did okay. Not bad. Not that good either. First of all, I don’t look like the character I was auditioning out for. I’m not pretty enough in the standard sense. Oh, I think I’m a rather pretty person by most people’s standards, but I’m not convetionally pretty. Not the typical “hot girl” look. And I didn't really like the role I was playing, so I wasn’t too motivated. That might’ve been why I wasn’t chosen. For I wasn’t. I didn’t get the part I wanted. I didn’t get any other character’s parts either.

The next day, after checking out the sheets to see who were selected, I was heartbroken to see my name wasn’t on the sheet. I was also confused. I know I’m not perfect for the role of “Girl”, but I’m good for something, aren’t I? I was so sure I had talent…. and I was sure that the teacher would see that talent and use it in some way…. so then why wasn’t I chosen? I tried to console myself, and reassure myself that it’s okay, that there will be other chances. However, I felt hurt. Not because I wasn’t chosen to play girl. Not even because I wasn’t chosen to act in the play. I was hurt because I felt like it was a statement of my failure. I felt like it was saying I’m a horrible actor. And all the while I thought I had potential….

Then, good news came. My drama teacher approached me and asked me if I’m okay with my role as the play’s assistant director. She asked me if it was too big of an resposibility for me. From what she said, it sounded like an important job. And I thought……Oh. My. Gosh. I’m AD? OH MY GOODNESS THIS IS AWESOME!!! As assistant director, I would be working closely with her and the actors, and it would be a big responsibility, she said. I just nodded and kept calm, assuring her I’m up for it. When I was alone at home, and I gave myself a huge pat on the back.

No wonder my name wasn’t on the cast list! My name was above that list, underneath the teacher’s name! I’m AD! That’s better than anything I could have every hoped for! Thank God so much! I knew I had talent! Assigning the me as Assistant Director not only gave me a part in the play, it also gave me a huge boost in my confidence and self-esteem.

Everyone (as in everyone that’s in my play) were amazed as to how I could’ve gotten assistant director. It’s not something that I can try out for. The teacher have to pick it. I’m assistant director for the play “Check Please”. None of the other plays have an assistant director. At first, I worried that I’ll mess up the whole play because I couldn’t work with the actor. I still worry that. And I questioned my abilities to juggle the 1-Acts along with my big load of homework. And realizing that I think the actor for the leading male role is kind of cute doesn't help with anything (I do not have a crush on him. I just think he’s a bit cute, that’s all). After getting over my joy and gratefully and pride that I got the job as AD, I started to worry.

However, after a week of rehearsals every schoolday except for Friday and working with the actors. I feel much more relaxed. I still worry a little, but mostly, I’m determined that I will make this work. That I can and I will be able to make the play better because of me. And still keep up my good grades.

I want to be involved in film production (or maybe theater) when I grow up. As a director, editor, or actor. This is a huge step in that direction. I also got parts as an old lady and a waitress in the play. Not very important, but enough that it’ll satisfy my acting needs (because just sitting behind the scenes is too quiet for my nature). And enough to show my face to the audience. I can’t wait for practice on Monday, and I can’t wait even more for the day of our play. It would magneficent. I’m so grateful to God for giving me this opportunity. I swear, I’m going to try my best, and the results will be amazing. And it would help me lots, whether I decide to go into theater or video production. Praise the Lord.


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