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China's Earthquake: How You Can Help
送交者: 小水滴 2008年05月13日14:10:37 於 [七葷八素] 發送悄悄話



Posted by Dan on May 12, 2008 at 12:19 PM
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Shanghaiist just posted on how you can help the victims of China's recent earthquake. Here's the info, straight from Shanghaiist:

For those who are looking to contribute to current aid efforts underway, you can now donate money to the Red Cross Society of China which has ????ed a disaster relief working group to be dispatched to the earthquake-stricken Wenchuan County in Sichuan.
They have also published an emergency relief hotline, along with bank account in????ation to receive donations to assist their cause:

Account name: Red Cross Society of China

For those who want to donate in RMB: you can send money to the RMB account at the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China branch below:
人民幣開戶行: 中國工商銀行 北京分行東四南支行
人民幣賬號: 0200001009014413252

For those who want to donate in foreign currency, you can send money to the foreign currency account at the CITIC Bank branch below:
外幣賬號: 7112111482600000209

Hotline: (8610) 65139999
Online donations: Red Cross Society of China website: www.redcross.org.cn

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