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送交者: hare 2021年11月06日07:53:51 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

Ten Rules For Speaking Mandarin Fluently

1)      Learn Pinyin well (make absolutely sure your pronunciation accurate)

2)      Memorize 100 Chinese characters

3)      Search any Chinese material for reading aloud with new words fewer than 5%

4)      Find a quite place you can read the material aloud with a pen to mark any new words or sentence you don’t understand, but not stop reading, no repetition

5)      After reading check the meaning in dictionary and remember how they are used in the book and go back to Step 2 and repeat for New materials

6)      Treat all other media of learning as exams (talking to native speaker, watch TV, listening, see Movies etc.)

7)      Build up a mandarin wall in your head to prevent your native tongue taking over your thoughts

8)      Never memorize sentences

9)      Never memorize conversation

10)   Never practice speaking with another language learner

·        You should feel your progress in less than a week and wanted to extend the reading time Naturally, otherwise your method has problem, go back to double check.

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