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八零後:Re: Ynima
送交者: 八零後 2010年04月19日11:09:55 於 [教育學術] 發送悄悄話

你這人答非所問哦~ 無語了。仔細想好別人寫東西的意思再回復好不好?I bet

you have ever has a chance to attend a single class in any  primary school or secondary school in USA. 

首先我就沒和你比什麼。 我沒說美國教育不好,仔細去看看我說的是什麼?我說的是咱不好的地方我們承認,但是作為越來越多留學生來說,獲得美國的教育僅僅是另一種學習過程,而且應 該因人而異,因材施教。因為無論哪個國家家。天哪~ 大家覺得是我不會說中文還是他看不懂呢。

The foundamental is built in from a standard primary school to high school. You learn the culture, value and ethics.  Sicence and technbology is not a simple technology term but a Culture which China does not possess, I am sorry to say so.  You miss that part, you miss a foundamental. That make you a different person.  If you get that kind education, you will not behave like you are doing  now in this Forum.  You speak differently and think differently.

What did I say? I dont know why ur so aggressive. You are the one keep judging other ppl. pfft...

You will not come in to attack someone English while people are talking about Private school issue.  Your friend aa881 has no idea what 's going on in the Private school but yelling

That is why I call you Jerk or not likable.  Some  people do call China educated postdoc as jerk. That is not my invention. I can not take that credit.

不好意思,我和人家不熟,只是見他說的有道理。另外,文字替換可沒意思。別人發 的中文意思是什麼大家都能看清楚,你回復的其實就是扯其他問題。

“people do call China educated postdoc as jerk” 這句話讓我有點好奇,請問您是美國上學校的?還是您有過不平常的經歷,別人這麼說您了?我寫東西的時候,都是很禮貌 的。也許您對那些敬語詞不敏感,但是至少不會像您這樣攻擊別人。" Some  people do call China educated postdoc as jerk" ...您知道嗎,在中國,其實也有很多沒教養的說和您相反的話“國外的中學畢業的知識就是沒咱豐富”,雖然如此,也還沒壞到用“jerk"攻擊別人的地步 :)

You like it or not you and your friends will be replaced in the future by thosands and thosands young bright Chinese students who receive standard education from primary school to university in the Western society.  They are polite not rude.  They do not have that bid ego and can get along with other people. They are much more likable than your type (made in china with a few US cosmetics ).  If people call you Jerk, they do have their reasons.

--" They are polite not rude.  They do not have that bid ego and can get along with other people."

I'm working in school, so does my gf. we know whats true .  Your stereotype is so rediculous.

--" If people call you Jerk, they do have their reasons."
-_-~ That could be right :D , not nessesary on a forum tho, especially when your talking about small things ( mmm , maybe  huge issues that nobody can actually do anything). when my gf read it ,she was like somebody 's always gonna be pissy.

K, last , im not trying to defend "i am a likable person" ..lol. But here I have a girl wanna "please me"  because you called me Jerk... so , well, thank you  and happy posting.


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