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How mRNA vaccines work?
送交者: jingchen 2021年08月27日21:57:17 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

How mRNA vaccines work?


All medicines have side effects. When we decide to use a medicine, we need to study whether the benefits of a medicine outweighs its costs. We often leave the job to experts. However, experts are not impartial. Experts benefit from the growth of the industry. They consciously or subconsciously exaggerate the benefits and downplay the potential harms of medicines. We all know heroin, an addictive drug. How was this drug named? When it was first brough to the markets, producers of this drug thought it had so many benefits with so little harmful side effects. They call it heroin, a heroic drug. Now people know its long term impacts. You might say it is an isolated incident. But it is not. In the past several decades, Purdue Pharma, owned by the Sackler family, marketed OxyContin, a highly addictive drug, to many people. The lives of millions of people have been destroyed. In the process, the medical community actively pushed for the use of the drug. They benefit from the increase of dependant people, who are dependable clients. The media community and the whole elite community stand largely silent. They become more influential when more people need help.  Only those addicted and their families and friends push to end the distribution of the drug.


This time, the majority of vaccines are mRNA vaccine, a new type of vaccine. We will discuss the mechanism of the mRNA vaccine. One dose of mRNA vaccine contains about 40 trillion mRNA molecules. After the injection of the vaccine, these mRNA molecules will enter  your cells, command your cells to make spike proteins that are same as from the coronavirus and release them from the cells. When these spike proteins are outside of the cells, they encounter immune cells, which recognize the spike proteins as foreign invaders. Our immune system produces antibodies to attack spike proteins, clamping different spike proteins together, to be destroyed by other immune cells.


Trillions of mRNA molecules will make our cells to produce trillions of spike proteins. These spike proteins will saturate many parts of our bodies, especially capillary blood vessels. When antibodies encounter these spike proteins, they clamp these spike proteins together. This will clot many of the capillary blood vessels, which are tiny. The reduced blood supply will reduce the ability of all organs and weaken our overall health, short term and long term. There are many studies about the very harmful impacts of the vaccines. Unfortunately, there is scant reporting in the mainstream media.


These novel corona viruses cause little damage to young people in general. However, the vaccines often cause quite big harm, especially to young men. Many heart diseases have been reported after the injection. Now FDA requires the manufactures to put up warning on the labels of vaccines. We should investigate the effects of the vaccines carefully before making a decision on a shot. It is not just a simple shot. It has already damaged the lives of many people.


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