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Action or inaction
送交者: jingchen 2021年10月15日07:19:57 於 [健康生活] 發送悄悄話

Action or inaction 

Any action, or inaction, have differential consequences. There are short term consequences and long term consequences.

Over short term, those who favor action, or active intervention, such as vaccination, may be better off. But over long term, those who are more carefree, focus their effort on basics. Hence they have higher fertility rates and bigger families.

There is an inverse relationship between vaccination rate and fertility rate. Given the minimal fatality rate, especially among the fertile age group, caused by coronaviruses, those social groups with high fertility rates will continue to do well. If anything, those with higher fertility rate and hence higher proportion of juvenile, are more resilient and rejuvenate stronger.

While the civilized world is working hard to pay the vaccine billionaires, the rest of the world is enjoying their family life. While the civilized world is working hard to cover up faces and cover up facts, the rest of the world is enjoying fresh air. While the civilized world is working hard to terrorize the unvaccinated, the rest of the world is enjoying their blissful ignorance.

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