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The wisdom of the body: Immune Systems
送交者: jingchen 2021年10月26日08:28:01 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

The wisdom of the body: Immune Systems


Our bodies are the distilled wisdom of four billion years of natural selection. With fierce competition for survival,  our bodies become very efficient. There is not much redundancy. The fact that we get sick from time to time indicates that there is indeed not much redundancy in our immune systems.


Our immune systems are comprised of innate systems and adaptive systems.  Innate systems are our broad spectrum protectors. Adaptive systems are  our specialized protectors calibrated to the specific environment we grow up with. When we grow up, our adaptive systems become stronger. At the same time, our innate systems become weaker. When we expand adaptive systems, we squeeze innate systems. To retain the capacity of our innate systems as much as possible, our bodies often reduce the capacity of those adaptive systems if certain pathogens don't pose great threat to our health. For example, soon after we get vaccine shots for novo coronaviruses, the antibody levels in our bodies start to decline significantly. This suggests that our bodies don't give high priority to adaptive system against coronaviruses.


Novo coronaviruses mainly cause harm to old people. Few children and young people get seriously sick from this type of viruses. Children have strong innate immune systems and weak adaptive immune systems. Older people have weaker innate immune systems and stronger adaptive immune systems. This suggests that innate immune systems are important in fighting off coronaviruses. If so, we should concentrate on improving our innate immune systems, by exercising, relaxing and better foods. Vaccines stimulate and strengthen the adaptive immune systems. While it is helpful to stimulate adaptive immune systems, more of adaptive systems might crowd out innate systems and other parts of the adaptive systems. If we insist on injecting large doses of coronavirus vaccine into our body, this may squeeze the capacity of our immune systems that are responsible for more serious diseases, such as cancer.  


Our bodies are the distilled wisdom of four billion years of natural selection. Much of modern science, such as coronavirus vaccines, is hastily assembled in several years. The crow, the crown and the crowd assert that modern science should tramp over our ancient wisdom. However, modern science can benefit greatly from our ancient wisdom, if we are humble enough to learn. 






Pathologist Ryan N Cole of the Mayo Clinic on What We Are Seeing In Lab Results






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