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On statistics related to vaccines
送交者: jingchen 2022年01月13日09:59:36 于 [健康生活] 发送悄悄话

On statistics related to vaccines 

It has been very clear that vaccines don’t stop the spread of novel coronavirus diseases. But authorities still maintain that vaccines reduce hospitalization. They cite their statistics to support their claims. However, the design of these statistics don’t include the side effects of vaccines.

Suppose there are two groups of people, each consisting of one hundred persons. The first group got vaccinated and the second group didn’t. Later, two persons in the first group got blood clots due to the side effects of the vaccination and the one person in the second group got blood clots due to virus infection. All three persons need hospitalization.

The current statistics measure the hospitalization number due to virus infections. From such statistics, zero person in the first group, who are vaccinated, need hospitalization due to virus infection, and one person in the second group, who are unvaccinated, need hospitalization due to virus infection. The statistics make the first group look much better. But are people really better off from vaccination?


The following video shows that the powerful people have been engaging in covering  up from the very beginning.


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