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Wolyn: The best movie about World War Two
送交者: jingchen 2020年09月27日08:38:00 于 [史地人物] 发送悄悄话

Wolyn: The best movie about World War Two


History is written by the winners. History is never about the past. History is always about the present and future.

Poland was a loser in World War Two, notwithstanding the official definition. Poland emerges on the winning side at the end of the Cold War. As a winner, Poland gains the right to rewrite the history of World War Two, at least in its own language.

Wolyn is a Polish movie about World War Two. It is a brutal movie, as real life is brutal. People are skinned alive. People are lynched with horses pulling their bodies apart. German army became the only safe haven for Polish escaping from the genocides from all sides.

History is written by the winners, for the winners. History is never about the past, never about the past facts. Only rarely, under rare circumstances, truth partially unearths.

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